Monday, May 21, 2012

Sunny in Coon Rapids!

Sorry about the poor blogs the last weekend, but....working on the Nook is difficult to make corrections, so thus, you had to put up with it. I'm back to my laptop, and hope it will be published with a few less errors!! My weekend was one of the most fun trips and celebrations I can remember. Traveling with a group of six is sometimes hard, but we all seemed to melt together into an agreeable group for any decision of where to go and what to do. Of course Patty and Denise told us several times that they were followers, and as they stayed an extra day, they didn't know what they would do without us to make their decisions for them. (lol) I wish I could express how wonderful the wedding was it self! Not only the location, the food, the decor, the people....but the rabbi and his fantastic explanation of the meaningful symbols and blessings, the seven blessings of friends they had asked to give, and wonderful joy and love that filled it all, was rather overwhelming. I'm sure I will be talking about it for years to come. Our group, all decided we wanted to have a Jewish wedding ourselves. At the airport we had planned to have breakfast, and found a Legal Seafood test kitchen. I had yet another serving of crab and lobster (about my 4th in Boston). Actually, Sandi, Rosie and I all had a crab and lobster omelet and it was so good. Actually I think I had lobster and crab everyday I was in Boston. But you can never have enough of that! I had a rough time on the plane coming home. First of all the plane was late in landing that we were taking back to MN, so we had to wait for it to unload and get cleaned before we got on, then, even though we had priority boarding, it was a full flight, and it took forever to board everyone. I haven't any idea why, but we didn't take off till about 12:15 p.m., for a flight that was originally scheduled to take off at 11:25. So I ended sitting in the most uncomfortable seat for an extra hour. I then waited way too long to take a pain pill, and when asking for a pillow (about half way through the flight) they didn't have any, and finally the stewardess brought me her sweater to roll up and put behind my back. We had arranged for a wheel chair to be at the gate for me, but then he took me out the ramp and dropped me and Sandi at the electric cart pick-up. When the cart picked us up, it only took us to an elevator on the other side of the security check point and way across the hall from where he dropped us. So we were back walking. Took the elevator down, and of course the baggage carousel was on the other end of the building from the we had to walk again. Then although I called my cousin to tell her I would be at baggage in about half an hour....I assumed she would be there in a half an hour, so after we stood outside at the curb for about another 1/2 hour, I called her, and she was waiting for me to call and tell her we were ready to be picked up. So, we went back and found a bench for another 10 minutes and then went out to the curb, and she arrived in a few minutes. Buy the time I got home, I was really beat, and I took a two hour nap. After watching the finale of the celebrity apprentice, I fell asleep again, and woke up at 11:30 and went to bed. I've been pretty slow getting going this morning, but do feel pretty good this morning, and will get my suitcase unpacked and get things ready to be gone next weekend to Chicago for my granddaughters graduation. I can't wait. This afternoon, I have a date with my First Friday group, and we will be eating Mexican. So something different for a change. Till tomorrow, Love and Prayers, m

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