Friday, May 25, 2012

Good Morning Sunshine

After record rainfall, the sun is shining bright and warm. The northern suburbs got over 6 inches of rain I think it was 6.6 inches, and the city for May has had well over 8 inches. We are no longer in drought mode!! We were thinking about building an ark for a while there yesterday! I hear that tomorrow and Sunday night might not be much better. Hopefully in Chicago, we will have nice sunny days. Although no outside events have been planned. Speaking of this weekend, Annie's track meet was partly rescheduled for this afternoon at 3 p.m. as the rain prevented some of it to be held yesterday. Thus we won't leave till early tomorrow 5 a.m. As I'm already packed, gifts wrapped and cards signed, I have all day to do something...but so far haven't figured out what. I may go out and do a little something in the yard....or I could do laundry. Yesterday the rain didn't stop me from doing anything. I wrapped presents for Tom, Emily and Kim. Then I delivered Kim's to her, so I got to watch her open it. I did a run to Costco which I would have done the day before but my Costco card was in the jacket of what I was wearing on Tuesday night when I locked my keys in the car, I couldn't put my Costco card in my purse as it was locked in the car, so I put it in the pocket of my jacket, and hung it back in the closet with it still there. So anyway, yesterday I retrieved my card and was able to go to Costco. I also took a load of stuff to ARCC for a donation to Kid U. They needed craft stuff and sent out a list of items. I was able to give them newspapers, wire hangers, envelopes, paper, plastic coffee cans and a pile of KidU T-shirts. I think I had about 8 years of shirts. I thought they could use them as paint shirts in some art classes or LeeAnn could take them home for her kids to sleep in. They were just hanging in my closet doing nothing but taking up a hanger. I could probably go through my office and donate a whole bag of stuff every week, and not make a dent. I also spent a large amount of time going through some old pictures, scanning some, and uploading my pictures from the weekend to Costco, which I then picked up. It was a very productive day. Walking and standing seemed to go a little better, and I seem to be regaining some strength I had lost over the weekend in Boston. Feeling good again this morning, of course the sun is shining and that always helps! I probably won't write my blog in the morning....or I don't think I'll be up early enough to do that, but who knows. Love and Prayers, m

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