So glad I made the decision not to go to Rochester this morning. They may not have gotten hit as bad there, but getting from one end of the cities to the other would have been a nightmare. Many schools are closed or delayed 2 hours all over the state. Anyway, I've rescheduled for Friday, and will have the Boes' drive me down. I have been so blessed to have so many people give of their time and gas to drive me down each time. Thank you to all my drivers.
Yesterday I went to my oncologist who over saw all my chemo last spring, and actually has been my oncologist since I was originally diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer. He also agreed that I should have my next CTscan scheduled for Jan. 5 at the Mayo, and then in April have it at HHH in Robinsdale. So hopefully my days of traveling to Rochester will then be over for a long time.
I think after about 25 emails back and forth and changing the date several times, we have finally settled on a maybe possible (for Tom, Karen and family) date. So, as I can't imagine Christmas without my whole family and all the grandkids....I need your prayers to make that maybe possible date to be for sure. Of course as I believe in the possible in all things (the polyanna in me) I also believe in the power of prayer. Plus if they want their presents they have to come and get them....or wait till the end of January when I stop on my way south. I'm planning a trip to Florida with my friend Bonnie the end of January and beginning of February.
Today I need to do laundry...been putting that off for a week now. But it will still be 3 loads....just a little fuller loads than normal. Other than it is still snowing....I probably won't do anything. Maybe get a few Christmas projects done. Like getting a Christmas letter started. Do you believe I got my first Christmas card a week before Thanksgiving. I'm not mentioning any names....but some people need to get a life. ha ha! Even being retired I can't imagine getting my cards out that early. Of course some people are not running to Rochester and 3 other doctors all the time.
Planning a Deck the Halls Party all weekend. Have invited my kids and grandkids to come and help decorate and put up the trees with me. Need help with the heavy lifting etc. Besides I think it will be so fun. I'm serving apple cider, Hot Chocolate and cookies for the helpers. I've already got an RSVP from Katie and Tommy.....early this morning before I was even out of bed. Their mom is at work really I imagine she sent it.
Well, I guess that's enough rambling from me.....Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Another Cloudy Day....waiting for the Storm
Well I don't think it is exactly a storm....but rain and snow. I have an appointment down in Rochester tomorrow morning, and I am wrestling with the thought of cancelling. We would need to leave at 8 or earlier....during rush hour....and if it is icy, snowing and blowing....I don't want my neighbors (the Boes) to have to drive in that. I need to call and see what they think. I'd like to cancel today rather than in the morning. I'll have to give them a call and discuss.
I talked to Loretta yesterday and her brother Uncle John as well. I think we are all set with the plans for her visit. She will stay with me Wednesday thru Saturday and then go home with John and Flo from the CC Christmas party in Wisconsin. Then the following Thursday I will meet them in Black River Falls, and bring her back to my house for the evening, and take her to the airport on Friday. Lots of cousins are coming to the party and I'm really looking forward to it.
Well, I guess I better get dressed....I have an appointment to see my local oncologist today....then need to do some quick shopping before the rain hits. Love and prayers, m
I talked to Loretta yesterday and her brother Uncle John as well. I think we are all set with the plans for her visit. She will stay with me Wednesday thru Saturday and then go home with John and Flo from the CC Christmas party in Wisconsin. Then the following Thursday I will meet them in Black River Falls, and bring her back to my house for the evening, and take her to the airport on Friday. Lots of cousins are coming to the party and I'm really looking forward to it.
Well, I guess I better get dressed....I have an appointment to see my local oncologist today....then need to do some quick shopping before the rain hits. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunny Sonday!
Not only is it sunny but warming up! Unfortunately I over-slept this morning, and missed church.....hope God knows I needed the rest.....actually I'm sure he did, and that's why I slept so well.
I had a fairly busy day yesterday. I did some cleaning (those dishes) and then went shopping, hitting five stores...but didn't find what I was looking for at two. Then I went to Nicole's hockey game at 5:30 (they won 8-0) and then I took Matthew home with he didn't have to stay and watch another hockey game that started at 8:00 p.m. He didn't get picked up till after 11, and then I took a hot bath to soak my butt. I don't think I hit the bed till almost midnite. That's why I slept so late this morning.
Today I again need to do some shopping, but I also want to see Allie play hockey. Then I also want to do some decorating of the flower boxes outside. It's supposed to be near 40 this afternoon, and I need to take advantage of that! I have doctor appointments the next two days, so I need to get as much done today as I least in the weather department.
Spoke to a woman at the hockey game last night who also has been fighting colo-rectal cancer....and she told me she is also in remission at this time. Hoorah for that!!! God is Good....God is Great. Hope you have a good SONday. Love and prayers, m
I had a fairly busy day yesterday. I did some cleaning (those dishes) and then went shopping, hitting five stores...but didn't find what I was looking for at two. Then I went to Nicole's hockey game at 5:30 (they won 8-0) and then I took Matthew home with he didn't have to stay and watch another hockey game that started at 8:00 p.m. He didn't get picked up till after 11, and then I took a hot bath to soak my butt. I don't think I hit the bed till almost midnite. That's why I slept so late this morning.
Today I again need to do some shopping, but I also want to see Allie play hockey. Then I also want to do some decorating of the flower boxes outside. It's supposed to be near 40 this afternoon, and I need to take advantage of that! I have doctor appointments the next two days, so I need to get as much done today as I least in the weather department.
Spoke to a woman at the hockey game last night who also has been fighting colo-rectal cancer....and she told me she is also in remission at this time. Hoorah for that!!! God is Good....God is Great. Hope you have a good SONday. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Warming Up!
The sun is shinning brightly, and the temps are warming back up this weekend. I should get a lot of things done today. I jumped out of bed just before 8 a.m. remembering that I hadn't put out the garbage cans last nite, so I bundled up and took out the cans and picked up the mail I hadn't picked up since Tuesday when Bill brought it in for me. I just forgot about it on Wednesday and I was shopping yesterday. After coming back in, I made my oatmeal and coffee and went to the computer to check my emails and play some spider solitaire, and I just realized I never took my meds or wrote my blog. So even though I was up and moving, I wasn't awake....really!
I did shop...but not till I dropped yesterday. I got home around 5 and then sorted and recorded what I already had, and assessed what I needed to buy next. So I will be out shopping again today. Later in the evening, Annie called and asked if Matthew could come and play while they watched a hockey game....when she arrived, a friend Gracie was with Matthew, as she didn't want to watch her sister play hockey anymore either. So I played with the two of them till about 11 p.m. or so. I was really ready for bed by then.
Got the itinerary for Aunt Loretta today, so I will be picking her up and bringing her to my house till the CC Christmas party, then I think she is going home with Uncle John and Flo for the rest of the week, and then she will return later in the week and I will take her to the airport. Need to call John and coordinate that. I think Loretta, Janet and Judy and maybe Debbie will all drive with me to the sounds like fun already.
Well I must get moving....enough of this lounging around.....still have dishes to wash from Thanksgiving....most are done, but need to scrub some kettles I can't fit in the dishwasher. My butt is doing fine....still draining....but fine. Love and prayers, m
I did shop...but not till I dropped yesterday. I got home around 5 and then sorted and recorded what I already had, and assessed what I needed to buy next. So I will be out shopping again today. Later in the evening, Annie called and asked if Matthew could come and play while they watched a hockey game....when she arrived, a friend Gracie was with Matthew, as she didn't want to watch her sister play hockey anymore either. So I played with the two of them till about 11 p.m. or so. I was really ready for bed by then.
Got the itinerary for Aunt Loretta today, so I will be picking her up and bringing her to my house till the CC Christmas party, then I think she is going home with Uncle John and Flo for the rest of the week, and then she will return later in the week and I will take her to the airport. Need to call John and coordinate that. I think Loretta, Janet and Judy and maybe Debbie will all drive with me to the sounds like fun already.
Well I must get moving....enough of this lounging around.....still have dishes to wash from Thanksgiving....most are done, but need to scrub some kettles I can't fit in the dishwasher. My butt is doing fine....still draining....but fine. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!
And what a happy sunny day it is. I'm sorry I'm so late in writing this morning, but it's not that I was dilly dallying around. I've peeled 10 lbs of potatoes, made my stuffing and finished cleaning....last minute sweeping and vacuuming. I really feel good about all I've accomplished. All cause it was done standing up.
After writing my blog, I will shower and get dressed and run into town to Gene's neices for a couple hours visit....the Kiecker family will be gathering there....and then come home and finish cooking dinner. The family is arriving at 5 for dinner. Annie said something about coming early so she can put her sweet potatoes in the oven. They were going to St. Cloud for a noon dinner with the Stalboergers. After dinner we will skyp Tom and Karen and family in Chicago. Can't wait. It'll seem like they are here.
After all that, we will make plans for shopping tomorrow. I've opted out of the really early morning stuff, and will just go along to the Mall of America where we shop and have lunch to celebrate Carrie Schoenecker Effertz birthday. That's tradition since the Mall opened. Before that, we'd go downtown to Dayton's and see Santa, shop and have lunch with a long long tradition.
Hope you all have a happy day and give thanks for all our blessings. I know I've got a lot to be thankful for this year and I am also thankful for the health of all my family and friends. Love and prayers, m
After writing my blog, I will shower and get dressed and run into town to Gene's neices for a couple hours visit....the Kiecker family will be gathering there....and then come home and finish cooking dinner. The family is arriving at 5 for dinner. Annie said something about coming early so she can put her sweet potatoes in the oven. They were going to St. Cloud for a noon dinner with the Stalboergers. After dinner we will skyp Tom and Karen and family in Chicago. Can't wait. It'll seem like they are here.
After all that, we will make plans for shopping tomorrow. I've opted out of the really early morning stuff, and will just go along to the Mall of America where we shop and have lunch to celebrate Carrie Schoenecker Effertz birthday. That's tradition since the Mall opened. Before that, we'd go downtown to Dayton's and see Santa, shop and have lunch with a long long tradition.
Hope you all have a happy day and give thanks for all our blessings. I know I've got a lot to be thankful for this year and I am also thankful for the health of all my family and friends. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Another Cloudy Day....waiting for the Storm
I need to shower and get on the move this morning to do some quick shopping before the ice comes back. Then I'll be home cleaning this evening.
Yesterday was a pretty quiet day....never even got dressed. Kinda normal day after being at Mayo don't know if it's the check up itself or the ride for 4 hours in the car that knocks me out the next day. But anyway, when my son Bill stopped by around 7 p.m. he saw the newspaper wasn't taken in, so he immediately went to the mailbox and got my mail as well. It wasn't that I forgot about them, I just didn't want to get dressed and go out in the cold and get it. Lazy is what the call it. I knew he was coming, so I knew I could ask him to get them for me, but he surprised me by walking in the door with it in hand. I did get some work done though....I dug out all the dishes needed for tomorrows dinner and set one of the tables. Forgot to have Bill bring up a table from the basement for me. I'll have to have the first to arrive tomorrow do that for me.
The butt is still draining like usual. Not a lot of pain....just discomfort. I'm not taking any tylenol....just using ibuprofen. Well, got to get into the shower and get moving today. Lots more work to do. Love you all, have a happy day. m
Yesterday was a pretty quiet day....never even got dressed. Kinda normal day after being at Mayo don't know if it's the check up itself or the ride for 4 hours in the car that knocks me out the next day. But anyway, when my son Bill stopped by around 7 p.m. he saw the newspaper wasn't taken in, so he immediately went to the mailbox and got my mail as well. It wasn't that I forgot about them, I just didn't want to get dressed and go out in the cold and get it. Lazy is what the call it. I knew he was coming, so I knew I could ask him to get them for me, but he surprised me by walking in the door with it in hand. I did get some work done though....I dug out all the dishes needed for tomorrows dinner and set one of the tables. Forgot to have Bill bring up a table from the basement for me. I'll have to have the first to arrive tomorrow do that for me.
The butt is still draining like usual. Not a lot of pain....just discomfort. I'm not taking any tylenol....just using ibuprofen. Well, got to get into the shower and get moving today. Lots more work to do. Love you all, have a happy day. m
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunny Sunny Day Hurrah!
I managed to stay in bed till 8:30 this morning.....but then I realized the sun was shining and it made me so happy. After not seeing it for really appreciate it!!
My butt is less sore this morning after yesterdays proceedure. Funny I couldn't feel it when they were doing it....I actually had to ask what they did.....almost sorry I did. It continued to bleed throughout the evening, but going to bed helped it to subside, this morning it doesn't seem to be bleeding....back to it's clear liquid discharge. Okay enough of that yukky talk. It really is better.
Got to start getting ready for Thanksgiving....I did remember to move the turkey from the freezer to the fridge. I need to take down the Halloween decorations and maybe start digging out the dishes and serving pieces I'll need for Thursday. I'll wait and do deep cleaning tomorrow. I have to run to Costco tomorrow morning and pick up a few things, so I'm hoping the storm they are predicting doesn't come till later in the day. I'm also worrying about traveling to South Mpls to Gene's neices for a few hours mid-day on Thanksgiving.....if the weather is too bad, I may not venture out. So I'll keep an eye on's way to early to be making those decisions.
Nothing else to report....a big thank you to Bonnie and Bob who drove me to Rochester the last two times. I really appreciate their taking two full days to help me out. Besides I really enjoy the visiting in the car back and forth. For now, love and prayers, m
My butt is less sore this morning after yesterdays proceedure. Funny I couldn't feel it when they were doing it....I actually had to ask what they did.....almost sorry I did. It continued to bleed throughout the evening, but going to bed helped it to subside, this morning it doesn't seem to be bleeding....back to it's clear liquid discharge. Okay enough of that yukky talk. It really is better.
Got to start getting ready for Thanksgiving....I did remember to move the turkey from the freezer to the fridge. I need to take down the Halloween decorations and maybe start digging out the dishes and serving pieces I'll need for Thursday. I'll wait and do deep cleaning tomorrow. I have to run to Costco tomorrow morning and pick up a few things, so I'm hoping the storm they are predicting doesn't come till later in the day. I'm also worrying about traveling to South Mpls to Gene's neices for a few hours mid-day on Thanksgiving.....if the weather is too bad, I may not venture out. So I'll keep an eye on's way to early to be making those decisions.
Nothing else to report....a big thank you to Bonnie and Bob who drove me to Rochester the last two times. I really appreciate their taking two full days to help me out. Besides I really enjoy the visiting in the car back and forth. For now, love and prayers, m
Monday, November 22, 2010
Another Cloudy Start
Sorry just a quick note to let you know that I'm on my way down to Mayo yet again!!! Jimbo is driving me to Rosemont....and Bonnie and Bob will drive me from there. Then they will bring me all the way back home. I'll write more later,. m
Okay, I'm back...actually for about an hour now. Dispite the snow and later rain, I made it down and back in pretty good time, and safe and sound.
My butt on the other hand it even sorer. Dr. Nelson says that the drainage may go on for awhile. She said the whole in about pencil thick and about 2 inches it is draining from the pelvic cavity and probably caused from the radiation. Anyway....she used a curator and scraped it out and then coated it with silver nitrate to encourage the healing. She says it's good that it is's not caught inside and not getting caustic....or infection. Unfortunately, I have to go back down again next week, and probably a few more times after that....we just have to wait it out. So even though it is getting better all the time, and the swelling and soreness is getting doesn't feel good after they mess around with it!
I think I'll lay on the couch for awhile and then get some cleaning done for Thanksgiving. Love and prayers, m
Okay, I'm back...actually for about an hour now. Dispite the snow and later rain, I made it down and back in pretty good time, and safe and sound.
My butt on the other hand it even sorer. Dr. Nelson says that the drainage may go on for awhile. She said the whole in about pencil thick and about 2 inches it is draining from the pelvic cavity and probably caused from the radiation. Anyway....she used a curator and scraped it out and then coated it with silver nitrate to encourage the healing. She says it's good that it is's not caught inside and not getting caustic....or infection. Unfortunately, I have to go back down again next week, and probably a few more times after that....we just have to wait it out. So even though it is getting better all the time, and the swelling and soreness is getting doesn't feel good after they mess around with it!
I think I'll lay on the couch for awhile and then get some cleaning done for Thanksgiving. Love and prayers, m
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Looks Like a Little Rain May Fall
Or snow, or ice....depending on where you live in Minnesota. But I think it's a few degrees warmer than it was last nite when I went to bed. Speaking of bed....not a good night for sleep.....don't know exactly why....but the alarm going off at 7:00 a.m. caused me to snooze for another 1/2 hour before crawling out of bed. I have only a few minutes to enter this...and I need to get in the shower and get to church.
I accomplished grocery shopping, shopping for the boughs at Bachmanns and 3 load of wash....but that was spread out over the hole day. Oh no....the local news is suggesting no travel as light rain that started last night around 10 p.m. has left the road coated with ice and is causing lots of problems driving on them. I wonder what I should do. They are saying that driving was near impossible with hundreds of accidents. I guess I'll try for church....but really slowly.
Love and prayers, m
Just got home from church.....slip sliding away!!! Going I didn't have a problem till I got to the church parking lot, and it was solid ice. I slowly made my way into church after sliding into a parking spot without hitting anything. Then skated back to the car....downhill....the ice hadn't subsided at all. Once to the main streets, there was no problem till I turned up 109th Lane.....slippery when wet!!! I tried to turn up my driveway and that was a trick in itself, but making it up the driveway was the real challenge....after trying to make a run for it about 5 times, I finally got out and carefully walked up the snowy edge of the driveway and found my safety salt and threw it over the top half of the driveway which was making the entrance to the garage impossible....then after skating back to the car....very carefully....I made my final run and made it all the way into the garage. Smelling the hot tires greeted me as I got out of the car to safely walk into the house. You can bet I'm not going anywhere the rest of the day. The Vikings and Packers will try to entertain me as I try to beat William with my Fantasy Football team. William has the edge by about 12 points, so it's not looking good to start. So the moral of this story is....heed the weatherman's advice and don't drive....atleast in my driveway. m
I accomplished grocery shopping, shopping for the boughs at Bachmanns and 3 load of wash....but that was spread out over the hole day. Oh no....the local news is suggesting no travel as light rain that started last night around 10 p.m. has left the road coated with ice and is causing lots of problems driving on them. I wonder what I should do. They are saying that driving was near impossible with hundreds of accidents. I guess I'll try for church....but really slowly.
Love and prayers, m
Just got home from church.....slip sliding away!!! Going I didn't have a problem till I got to the church parking lot, and it was solid ice. I slowly made my way into church after sliding into a parking spot without hitting anything. Then skated back to the car....downhill....the ice hadn't subsided at all. Once to the main streets, there was no problem till I turned up 109th Lane.....slippery when wet!!! I tried to turn up my driveway and that was a trick in itself, but making it up the driveway was the real challenge....after trying to make a run for it about 5 times, I finally got out and carefully walked up the snowy edge of the driveway and found my safety salt and threw it over the top half of the driveway which was making the entrance to the garage impossible....then after skating back to the car....very carefully....I made my final run and made it all the way into the garage. Smelling the hot tires greeted me as I got out of the car to safely walk into the house. You can bet I'm not going anywhere the rest of the day. The Vikings and Packers will try to entertain me as I try to beat William with my Fantasy Football team. William has the edge by about 12 points, so it's not looking good to start. So the moral of this story is....heed the weatherman's advice and don't drive....atleast in my driveway. m
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Still no Sun and even Colder!
Good Morning, slept in a little again this morning, and not moving too fast. Went out last evening....the colleges "Legacy Dinner" for the foundation. It was fun....but you know....sitting for 3 plus hours was a problem....but I did it!! I squirmed and twitched and moved from cheek to cheek....took a few pills....twisted and turned some more and finally it was time to stand-up. I spent the last 1/2 hour standing and visiting. Luckily I was seated all evening with a few retiree's and their husbands, so the conversations and speakers made it a great evening all in all. They also knew why I was squirming in my chair so I had lots of sympathy. Being such a people person and having so many to talk to went a long way to muffle the butt!
I saw the GP at Health Partners yesterday afternoon too. I got my flu shot, and he went over my blood tests and determined my cholesterol was doing so well that he cut my doze of simvastation in half. He reaffirmed my decision not to have a mamogram as I was probably glowing after all my CT scans, X-rays, Radiation treatments and I won't have one this year. My red blood count is coming back up, so all is well there too.
Did some shopping again yesterday after seeing the doctor, and picked up a few more stocking stuffers and presents....but really need a list form all the family....the older they get the harder it is....adults and grandkids alike. I've pretty much finished shopping for all except family. Even got some stocking stuffers for them too. This may not seem unusual to you, but I normally don't buy anything till the day after thanksgiving. Then we shop till we drop....which I probably will do anyway.....cept I may drop a lot sooner than usual. So I've started to pick things up a little at a time. Can you believe some stores are openning at 3 and 4 a.m.?
Today I need to grocery shop and get that turkey for Thanksgiving. May checkout Bachmanns for some pine boughs and other greenerie to decorate the pots outside too....before it gets any colder. Other than that I'm pretty much home-bound today. Trying to get some dates nailed down for a few Holiday gatherings by email...but haven't come up with any yet. Need to start planning parties and food. Got to get that calendar filled in. Back to the couch for now!!! Love and prayers, m
I saw the GP at Health Partners yesterday afternoon too. I got my flu shot, and he went over my blood tests and determined my cholesterol was doing so well that he cut my doze of simvastation in half. He reaffirmed my decision not to have a mamogram as I was probably glowing after all my CT scans, X-rays, Radiation treatments and I won't have one this year. My red blood count is coming back up, so all is well there too.
Did some shopping again yesterday after seeing the doctor, and picked up a few more stocking stuffers and presents....but really need a list form all the family....the older they get the harder it is....adults and grandkids alike. I've pretty much finished shopping for all except family. Even got some stocking stuffers for them too. This may not seem unusual to you, but I normally don't buy anything till the day after thanksgiving. Then we shop till we drop....which I probably will do anyway.....cept I may drop a lot sooner than usual. So I've started to pick things up a little at a time. Can you believe some stores are openning at 3 and 4 a.m.?
Today I need to grocery shop and get that turkey for Thanksgiving. May checkout Bachmanns for some pine boughs and other greenerie to decorate the pots outside too....before it gets any colder. Other than that I'm pretty much home-bound today. Trying to get some dates nailed down for a few Holiday gatherings by email...but haven't come up with any yet. Need to start planning parties and food. Got to get that calendar filled in. Back to the couch for now!!! Love and prayers, m
Friday, November 19, 2010
Still no Sun
I don't know where it is....hopefully it will be back soon. Even without the sun, the doctor I saw yesterday thought I looked wonderful! Especially after all they did to me. He gave me a copy of the pathology report and it had a blow by blow of everything they did from the moment I got into the operating room till they were done 10 hours's 5 pages filled with the details of the surgery. I started to read it, and couldn't believe how much they had to do to make me cancer free and able to function for hopefully many years to come. So I am even more impressed with what a good surgeon Dr. Nelson is, along with her team....I believe she had 4 other doctors in there. I think they took turns each doing their own thing. When I thanked her the other day for making me feel so great, she commented that it's her goal to make people better than worse. I think she accomplished that. Even with a sore butt the rest of me feels great.
I got 4 phone calls while out at the doctor and shopping yesterday. I didn't get one call the day before while laying on the couch. One from a friend who later surprised me with soup and flowers. One from the Mayo to ask a few questions for some research study they are including me in. One from my dear Aunt Loretta whom I called back when I got home. She was anxiously awaiting for her daughter Karen to arrive. Karen had flown home from Switzerland, and will celebrate Thanksgiving with the family for the first time in a long time. Then while shopping at JoAnn Crafts, Rosie my former boss called. She thought it was perfect that she called me when I was that is one of our favorite things to do.....I say our, as Rosie and I spent many a lunch hour shopping together, as well as other little trips to shop on our days off.
Today I have yet another doctor's appointment....I'm having my annual physical this afternoon. I hope to have company this morning. A friend of Bills who spent a lot of time at our house over the years, but I haven't seen for years. I also already had a call from cousin Tina. She was wondering who all was going to the Cousins Christmas in Wisconsin in a few weeks. When I told her that Aunt Loretta was coming she was really excited. I think it's going to be a great party.
Well I think I'll return to the couch and wait for company to appear. Love and prayers, m
I got 4 phone calls while out at the doctor and shopping yesterday. I didn't get one call the day before while laying on the couch. One from a friend who later surprised me with soup and flowers. One from the Mayo to ask a few questions for some research study they are including me in. One from my dear Aunt Loretta whom I called back when I got home. She was anxiously awaiting for her daughter Karen to arrive. Karen had flown home from Switzerland, and will celebrate Thanksgiving with the family for the first time in a long time. Then while shopping at JoAnn Crafts, Rosie my former boss called. She thought it was perfect that she called me when I was that is one of our favorite things to do.....I say our, as Rosie and I spent many a lunch hour shopping together, as well as other little trips to shop on our days off.
Today I have yet another doctor's appointment....I'm having my annual physical this afternoon. I hope to have company this morning. A friend of Bills who spent a lot of time at our house over the years, but I haven't seen for years. I also already had a call from cousin Tina. She was wondering who all was going to the Cousins Christmas in Wisconsin in a few weeks. When I told her that Aunt Loretta was coming she was really excited. I think it's going to be a great party.
Well I think I'll return to the couch and wait for company to appear. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, November 18, 2010
No Sun....No Shine!
No sun leaves me moving slow. I depend on it for my energy. I amazingly enough slept all night without getting up for the bathroom or pain pills. So that's the best sign of getting better I have had. My butt is still sore....what's new?....but over all I feel very well.
Today I am going to see my surgeon who has done my previous surgery and who sent me to the Mayo in the first place. I don't think there is anything he will do, but get caught up on where I've been and what they did etc. He asked to follow up with me, so it's not like I think I need to see another doctor. Tomorrow I get to see my GP at Health Partners, and along with that get my flu shot. I got the results back already of the blood work they did yesterday, and my overall cholesterol is 149, and my RB is 10.9 up from 9.6 3 weeks after that is going up. My platelets were 219 (that's normal level) and my potassium was normal and all the other things they checked on. So I think the physical will go well tomorrow too.
After the doctor this morning, I will do some shopping. I was going to run errands yesterday, but stayed pretty close to the couch all day. I can't believe how much sleep it takes to Heal! I did manage to put another stamp on my granddaughters birthday card, which came back postage due. But I just carried it to the mailbox and put up the flag....not much exercise. Feel bad for those Chicago grandkids, William's package went without a Emily's postage due....and Presley s didn't have any mailing problems on the Post Office side, but grandma was late in mailing it. But if it makes them feel any better, Ann H. and Doug haven't gotten theirs yet either. I have them setting on the bed in the back bedroom, but we haven't been able to come up with a day when we can get together to celebrate and eat cake. It may just happen on Thanksgiving. As the grandkids get older.....the families' lives become busier and busier.
Well off to the shower. Talk to you and prayers, m
Today I am going to see my surgeon who has done my previous surgery and who sent me to the Mayo in the first place. I don't think there is anything he will do, but get caught up on where I've been and what they did etc. He asked to follow up with me, so it's not like I think I need to see another doctor. Tomorrow I get to see my GP at Health Partners, and along with that get my flu shot. I got the results back already of the blood work they did yesterday, and my overall cholesterol is 149, and my RB is 10.9 up from 9.6 3 weeks after that is going up. My platelets were 219 (that's normal level) and my potassium was normal and all the other things they checked on. So I think the physical will go well tomorrow too.
After the doctor this morning, I will do some shopping. I was going to run errands yesterday, but stayed pretty close to the couch all day. I can't believe how much sleep it takes to Heal! I did manage to put another stamp on my granddaughters birthday card, which came back postage due. But I just carried it to the mailbox and put up the flag....not much exercise. Feel bad for those Chicago grandkids, William's package went without a Emily's postage due....and Presley s didn't have any mailing problems on the Post Office side, but grandma was late in mailing it. But if it makes them feel any better, Ann H. and Doug haven't gotten theirs yet either. I have them setting on the bed in the back bedroom, but we haven't been able to come up with a day when we can get together to celebrate and eat cake. It may just happen on Thanksgiving. As the grandkids get older.....the families' lives become busier and busier.
Well off to the shower. Talk to you and prayers, m
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Rise and Shine
I set my alarm for 7 a.m.....but forgot to turn it on in the process. Needless to say I woke up at 7:20 and hit the floor running, as I had a 8 a.m. appointment to have blood drawn for my physical on Friday. It was a fasting draw....didn't have time for breakfast anyway. Got dressed and brushed my teeth and headed out in the cold. After the lab work, I went to Cub to get some oatmeal for my breakfast that I was anxious to eat. So now I've had my breakfast and a sip of coffee, I'm ready to write.
Yesterday, Bonnie and Bob picked me up at the Mermaid, and wisked me down to the Mayo Clinic, while I reclined in the way back. We got down there in plenty time, and we didn't wait too long before I was called in. The doctor and her assistant Kathy, were happy at my progress in healing, but decided to help it along, by cauterizing it. I'm not sure it was an instant have a more bloody discharge, and I'm set back in the pain level too! So back to my tylenol/ibuprofen regiment, and the couch!
I do need to run a few errands today, but it will mostly be spent on the couch. Then tomorrow I am going to see the HP Surgeon who referred me to Mayo, for a follow-up.....and on Friday I'm having my yearly physical and flu shot. I was supposed to see my oncologist at the HHH Cancer Center next Monday, but Dr. Nelson wants to see me back in Rochester next Monday morning, so I guess I'll have to make a call and change that. I was really hoping I'd be done with Rochester visits for a while, but as long as my butt isn't totally healed I guess I'll have to continue the trips. Bonnie and Bob have already volunteered to take me down again next Monday, so I am thankful for that. I also asked Dr. Nelson if I could transfer back to the city with my oncologist and not return in January for a CTscan, and she recommended I continue to come down, as they have the most recent CTscans to compare with. So I guess I will follow her advice.
So that's the update for now. love and prayers, m
Yesterday, Bonnie and Bob picked me up at the Mermaid, and wisked me down to the Mayo Clinic, while I reclined in the way back. We got down there in plenty time, and we didn't wait too long before I was called in. The doctor and her assistant Kathy, were happy at my progress in healing, but decided to help it along, by cauterizing it. I'm not sure it was an instant have a more bloody discharge, and I'm set back in the pain level too! So back to my tylenol/ibuprofen regiment, and the couch!
I do need to run a few errands today, but it will mostly be spent on the couch. Then tomorrow I am going to see the HP Surgeon who referred me to Mayo, for a follow-up.....and on Friday I'm having my yearly physical and flu shot. I was supposed to see my oncologist at the HHH Cancer Center next Monday, but Dr. Nelson wants to see me back in Rochester next Monday morning, so I guess I'll have to make a call and change that. I was really hoping I'd be done with Rochester visits for a while, but as long as my butt isn't totally healed I guess I'll have to continue the trips. Bonnie and Bob have already volunteered to take me down again next Monday, so I am thankful for that. I also asked Dr. Nelson if I could transfer back to the city with my oncologist and not return in January for a CTscan, and she recommended I continue to come down, as they have the most recent CTscans to compare with. So I guess I will follow her advice.
So that's the update for now. love and prayers, m
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Off to Mayo Once Again
I have a 1:30 p.m. appointment today, which means I leave home at 11:10....meeting Bonnie and Bob at 11:30 and then riding with them to Rochester, seeing the doctor for maybe 15-20 minutes, and then having lunch and returning home. So I should be back just in time for rush hour traffic. No plans for this evening....but my spot on the couch, watching Biggest Loser.
Last nite I had dinner with my First Friday group at a Mexican restaurant in Coon Rapids, so only had to sit in the car for about 5 minutes. However, we talked till almost 7 p.m. and I managed to do that without to much problem. The conversations were great, (varying from politics, religion, cooking and thanksgiving plans) and we figured we've only been meeting for 26 or 27 years, we couldn't exactly pinpoint when we began....but anyway it's been a long time.The numbers of the group have shrunk by about 2 or 3, and we don't all always make it, but the core group goes on. I've wandered in and out depending on my health, but am always welcomed back and enjoy their friendship a lot.
My bottom is still draining, but I hope that the doctors at Mayo, will turn my care back over to the Coon Rapids doctors at HealthPartners ( a 5 minute drive from home). I have set up appointments to see their surgeon who did all my previous surgery on Thursday and I am having a physical on Friday with my GP and for that I am having labwork early tomorrow morning. It needs a 12 hour fast, so I scheduled it for 8 a.m.....I'll beable to come home and eat breakfast at a fairly normal time and do my blog. Then next Monday I have an appointment at HHH Cancer Center, Robinsdale to have my port flushed and see Dr. Londer my oncologist. So a full week of doctoring....but atleast after today it is all within 20 minutes of home.
Well I must get into the shower so I can get to the Mermaid parking lot by 11:30. Keep those thoughts and prayers going as I know they are what keeps me going and healing. Love and prayers, m
Last nite I had dinner with my First Friday group at a Mexican restaurant in Coon Rapids, so only had to sit in the car for about 5 minutes. However, we talked till almost 7 p.m. and I managed to do that without to much problem. The conversations were great, (varying from politics, religion, cooking and thanksgiving plans) and we figured we've only been meeting for 26 or 27 years, we couldn't exactly pinpoint when we began....but anyway it's been a long time.The numbers of the group have shrunk by about 2 or 3, and we don't all always make it, but the core group goes on. I've wandered in and out depending on my health, but am always welcomed back and enjoy their friendship a lot.
My bottom is still draining, but I hope that the doctors at Mayo, will turn my care back over to the Coon Rapids doctors at HealthPartners ( a 5 minute drive from home). I have set up appointments to see their surgeon who did all my previous surgery on Thursday and I am having a physical on Friday with my GP and for that I am having labwork early tomorrow morning. It needs a 12 hour fast, so I scheduled it for 8 a.m.....I'll beable to come home and eat breakfast at a fairly normal time and do my blog. Then next Monday I have an appointment at HHH Cancer Center, Robinsdale to have my port flushed and see Dr. Londer my oncologist. So a full week of doctoring....but atleast after today it is all within 20 minutes of home.
Well I must get into the shower so I can get to the Mermaid parking lot by 11:30. Keep those thoughts and prayers going as I know they are what keeps me going and healing. Love and prayers, m
Monday, November 15, 2010
Sunny and Cold
I just need the sun to make me high....the cold doesn't bother me as long as I have no place to go......however, I do get to go out tonite for dinner with some friends we call the First Friday group.....I know it's not Friday, but that was a name we gave ourselves when we met the first Friday of each month. That was about 30 years or longer ago, and we now meet whenever most of us can.
I got several people volunteering to drive me to Mayo tomorrow, but the first were Bonnie and Bob Lammers. As they live in Rosemont, We have chosen a Park and Ride Lot on the North side to meet. I know I can make a 1/2 trip driving as I did that last week to North a 15 or 20 minute drive won't be bad. I really appreciate the rest of you that volunteered, but I went with first come first serve!!
Since I wrote after church yesterday, I don't have much to report for the rest of the day.....did have company (Matthew) for a few hours around dinner time, and we had fun playing a game I made up that he could play. It involved some counting and a race, using the cribbage board and he beat me three times without me letting him win. My usual luck at cards.....even a five year old beats me....but he loved it. I was also unlucky at fantasy football again this week. My team usually goes as the Vikings go....even though I don't have a Viking on my team. I had two on the bench that scored big....but Gary was thrilled to beat me.
The snow didn't totally melt away, but it left all the roads and driveways dry. I see some people are still without power though. Wow 2 days with below freezing temps. I feel sorry for them. Annie was out for 24 hours which is plenty long. It makes you realize how much you depend on that electricity. You need to go back to your camping tricks. Hope you all are staying warm, Love and prayers, m
I got several people volunteering to drive me to Mayo tomorrow, but the first were Bonnie and Bob Lammers. As they live in Rosemont, We have chosen a Park and Ride Lot on the North side to meet. I know I can make a 1/2 trip driving as I did that last week to North a 15 or 20 minute drive won't be bad. I really appreciate the rest of you that volunteered, but I went with first come first serve!!
Since I wrote after church yesterday, I don't have much to report for the rest of the day.....did have company (Matthew) for a few hours around dinner time, and we had fun playing a game I made up that he could play. It involved some counting and a race, using the cribbage board and he beat me three times without me letting him win. My usual luck at cards.....even a five year old beats me....but he loved it. I was also unlucky at fantasy football again this week. My team usually goes as the Vikings go....even though I don't have a Viking on my team. I had two on the bench that scored big....but Gary was thrilled to beat me.
The snow didn't totally melt away, but it left all the roads and driveways dry. I see some people are still without power though. Wow 2 days with below freezing temps. I feel sorry for them. Annie was out for 24 hours which is plenty long. It makes you realize how much you depend on that electricity. You need to go back to your camping tricks. Hope you all are staying warm, Love and prayers, m
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Snow here yesterday and almost gone today!
We got about 9 inches of snow yesterday, and their still are some wayward flakes floating to the ground, but it is also melting fast. It sure got me in the mood for the holidays. I'm late in writing this today, as I started the day by oversleeping, and just having enough time for a shower before church. Then my dear friends Patty and Denis Tkach took me out for breakfast. Spent a lot of time catching up with them as it seems like months since I've seen them. I'm sure it has been months.
After breakfast, since I was close, I stopped at Menards and bought 2 new artificial for the basement, and one for upstairs.....this is the first year I won't have a real tree in the house for Christmas....I have this nagging feeling that my allergies to the tree is what caused all the spots on my lungs last winter. I may be all wrong, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll still put my real tinsel on the tree and all my special ornaments I've used for every Christmas since I got married in 1962. The same nativity scene too! I'm sorta sentimental that way.
Yesterday I never got out of my pjs....just watched it snow all day. I did get some company...Annie, Nicole and Matthew....cause the snow had taken out their power in their neighborhood. Nicole had a hockey potluck to go to last night, so they needed to come over and cook at my house. They also plugged in all their phones and Matthews DVD player so they'd have some power when they went back home. Hope it came back on before they went to bed. I talked to a lady from my side of town who was still out of power since yesterday at 2 p.m. and they told her it might not be on till later this evening. Luckily I was warm and with power all through the snow.
I am looking for a volunteer to drive me back to Mayo (hopefully for the last time this year) on Tuesday mid-day. I think I need to be down their around 1 p.m. so I will need to leave Coon Rapids around 10:30 or 10:45. I am willing to let you use my car and gas....just don't think I can sit up and drive that far myself. I'd call and ask someone....but feel I don't want to wear out my welcome! I've had to make so many trips to Mayo and have had so many of you help in that area several times. So if one of you is willing to volunteer one more time, I'd really appreciate it.
Spending the rest of the day watching football. Love and prayers, m
After breakfast, since I was close, I stopped at Menards and bought 2 new artificial for the basement, and one for upstairs.....this is the first year I won't have a real tree in the house for Christmas....I have this nagging feeling that my allergies to the tree is what caused all the spots on my lungs last winter. I may be all wrong, but I'm not taking any chances. I'll still put my real tinsel on the tree and all my special ornaments I've used for every Christmas since I got married in 1962. The same nativity scene too! I'm sorta sentimental that way.
Snow on the table on my patio! |
I am looking for a volunteer to drive me back to Mayo (hopefully for the last time this year) on Tuesday mid-day. I think I need to be down their around 1 p.m. so I will need to leave Coon Rapids around 10:30 or 10:45. I am willing to let you use my car and gas....just don't think I can sit up and drive that far myself. I'd call and ask someone....but feel I don't want to wear out my welcome! I've had to make so many trips to Mayo and have had so many of you help in that area several times. So if one of you is willing to volunteer one more time, I'd really appreciate it.
Spending the rest of the day watching football. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Here Comes the Snow! and Emily is 17!
Oh Happy Day! for the snow lovers.....for long as I don't have to go anywhere and can just look out the window at how beautiful it is....I love it. Sorry for you who have to work in it. For me it's a winter wonderland! The little boy across the street is having a ball playing in it.
My oldest granddaughter turns 17 today. Sadly she is in Chicago, so not able to see this beautiful snow God has sent to celebrate her big event. I can't believe she is 17.....I can remember her birth as if it was a few years ago. It was quite a big event, being the first granddaughter and such a big one at that! We waited days for her to be born, and forced the doctors into taking her C-section. She is Tom's oldest and Tom was my that made her special too. Hope she has a great day.
Yesterday was really nothing compared to my Thursday. I did do my normal three loads of wash, but that was the highlight of my day. I got my bill from Mayo....a total of $91,000 that I was responsible for only $325. Thank god for insurance.
I have tapered off with the tylenol, and that seems to be going quite well. I really can't tell any difference, so maybe I don't need it at all. I have continued to take the ibuprofen every six hours three times a day, and haven't changed that. I think it is what is doing the most good.
I don't plan on doing anything today cept looking at the snow! Love and prayers, m
My oldest granddaughter turns 17 today. Sadly she is in Chicago, so not able to see this beautiful snow God has sent to celebrate her big event. I can't believe she is 17.....I can remember her birth as if it was a few years ago. It was quite a big event, being the first granddaughter and such a big one at that! We waited days for her to be born, and forced the doctors into taking her C-section. She is Tom's oldest and Tom was my that made her special too. Hope she has a great day.
Yesterday was really nothing compared to my Thursday. I did do my normal three loads of wash, but that was the highlight of my day. I got my bill from Mayo....a total of $91,000 that I was responsible for only $325. Thank god for insurance.
I have tapered off with the tylenol, and that seems to be going quite well. I really can't tell any difference, so maybe I don't need it at all. I have continued to take the ibuprofen every six hours three times a day, and haven't changed that. I think it is what is doing the most good.
I don't plan on doing anything today cept looking at the snow! Love and prayers, m
Friday, November 12, 2010
Here Comes the Snow!
Well, probably not today, but tomorrow and Sunday. Just rain today. So I'll have to make my own sunshine.....might be hard with only chores planned for the day. I've got atleast three loads of laundry to do.
Yesterday was a very nice day. I started early going to a Christian Women's Brunch at Majestic Oaks Country Club, with my friend Jan Ranum. I guess out of a room of about 60-75 women I knew atleast 4 women....pretty good, although I recognized a few more faces but didn't know their names. The 4 I did know where mostly flash backs to my past. One was a women I worked with at Shoppers City.....atleast 35 years ago. Another was a relative of Mary Christy who lived with mom and dad about 46 years ago. One a lady from the North Suburban Women s Club that I've known for atleast 20 years and another a women from church that had children in my Junior High program 30 years ago. Had a chance to talk with all of them. I also got my name pulled out of a hat for first timers and won a certificate to attend the December Brunch. So Jan and I will take advantage of that. The speaker a 48 year old Christian women from Fergus Falls who lost her husband 5 years ago in a freak bicycle accident when the family was out for a Saturday afernoon bike ride. She told the story of grieving with hope.....being carried through by her Faith. So a tear jerker, but a lot of the things she said hit home with me and my journey over the last three years since Gene died. It reinforced how much I've been blessed by my faith and through that, all the prayers, love and encouragement I've received from my family and friends.
Then, most of the group from the brunch proceeded downstairs to the annual Holiday Craft Sale at Majestic Oaks. What fun shopping. You would think that by then I would have had the best day ever....but after returning home to the couch, the door bell rang and I went to the door only to recieve a beautiful bouquet of Stargazer Lilies (my favorite) from Mary (#1) Brue. She tries to down play that and call herself Mary 3/4 but she will always be #1 to me. When I worked at the college a job that Mary got me, their were three Mary's. Mary Brue was number 1, chronologically, alphabetically, and in seniority. I was Mary #3. As the Mary's left, I ended up being the only Mary employed at the college. So Mary thought she had to relinquish that title....but I will always call her Mary #1. Mary and I had earlier this week discovered that both of us love stargazer lilies from a questionaire I had responded to in an email. She signed her card: "You're my Hero, Mary 3/4" So that topped my day!!!
My day was also great in the butt area as well. I am cutting down on the amount of Tylenol I'm taking, and I was still able to sit mostly through the brunch, and the car ride to and from. So each day I feel a little stronger and have more energy to get things done.
With my blog as an instigator, I got a hand-stamped card from my friend Barb Skierecki this week. It read "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance." I will continue to dance. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was a very nice day. I started early going to a Christian Women's Brunch at Majestic Oaks Country Club, with my friend Jan Ranum. I guess out of a room of about 60-75 women I knew atleast 4 women....pretty good, although I recognized a few more faces but didn't know their names. The 4 I did know where mostly flash backs to my past. One was a women I worked with at Shoppers City.....atleast 35 years ago. Another was a relative of Mary Christy who lived with mom and dad about 46 years ago. One a lady from the North Suburban Women s Club that I've known for atleast 20 years and another a women from church that had children in my Junior High program 30 years ago. Had a chance to talk with all of them. I also got my name pulled out of a hat for first timers and won a certificate to attend the December Brunch. So Jan and I will take advantage of that. The speaker a 48 year old Christian women from Fergus Falls who lost her husband 5 years ago in a freak bicycle accident when the family was out for a Saturday afernoon bike ride. She told the story of grieving with hope.....being carried through by her Faith. So a tear jerker, but a lot of the things she said hit home with me and my journey over the last three years since Gene died. It reinforced how much I've been blessed by my faith and through that, all the prayers, love and encouragement I've received from my family and friends.
Then, most of the group from the brunch proceeded downstairs to the annual Holiday Craft Sale at Majestic Oaks. What fun shopping. You would think that by then I would have had the best day ever....but after returning home to the couch, the door bell rang and I went to the door only to recieve a beautiful bouquet of Stargazer Lilies (my favorite) from Mary (#1) Brue. She tries to down play that and call herself Mary 3/4 but she will always be #1 to me. When I worked at the college a job that Mary got me, their were three Mary's. Mary Brue was number 1, chronologically, alphabetically, and in seniority. I was Mary #3. As the Mary's left, I ended up being the only Mary employed at the college. So Mary thought she had to relinquish that title....but I will always call her Mary #1. Mary and I had earlier this week discovered that both of us love stargazer lilies from a questionaire I had responded to in an email. She signed her card: "You're my Hero, Mary 3/4" So that topped my day!!!
My day was also great in the butt area as well. I am cutting down on the amount of Tylenol I'm taking, and I was still able to sit mostly through the brunch, and the car ride to and from. So each day I feel a little stronger and have more energy to get things done.
With my blog as an instigator, I got a hand-stamped card from my friend Barb Skierecki this week. It read "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance." I will continue to dance. Love and prayers, m
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Cooling down but the Sun is Shining Brightly
Hi, I had a good day yesterday, lunch out with June and her husband Len, and then some good visiting back at home, shopping for Emily's birthday gift, and then the Colo-rectal Cancer Support Group. So a big day for me....and I made it without to much discomfort.
The support group was good, it was a small group last nite of only eight, but I think that made it even better. All that were there had been there the other 3 or 4 times I attended, so I felt like I knew them already. It gave me a chance to find out that I'm doing really well for just having the surgery last month. It being the farthest I had driven the car, gave me a boost of confidence too!
I'm off this morning to a Women's Club breakfast and a demo on making Finnish Coffee Cake.....should be interesting. My friend Jan Ranum is picking me up in about a half hour, so I guess I better get in the shower and get dressed. Love and prayers, m
The support group was good, it was a small group last nite of only eight, but I think that made it even better. All that were there had been there the other 3 or 4 times I attended, so I felt like I knew them already. It gave me a chance to find out that I'm doing really well for just having the surgery last month. It being the farthest I had driven the car, gave me a boost of confidence too!
I'm off this morning to a Women's Club breakfast and a demo on making Finnish Coffee Cake.....should be interesting. My friend Jan Ranum is picking me up in about a half hour, so I guess I better get in the shower and get dressed. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Cloudy but still warm!
Don't know what happened, but I had this whole thing typed, and it disappeared on me. As I was saying, the warm weather will only hold out for a few more days, and then they are predicting a chance of snow by Saturday. Jimbo will be thrilled....the tire business loves snow! I on the otherhand, don't mind it as long as I don't have to go out in it.
I had a great day yesterday, went and had my hair cut and colored at Jan's. and when I got home I got a call from Aunt Loretta. She is planning on coming to MN for the Cousins Christmas and staying with me. I am so looking forward to that She keeps checking to make sure I will be up to it, so it is my goal to be up and running by Thanksgiving.
This morning I got an email from my cousin June, and they are coming and taking me out for lunch. I thought they had left for the winter when they drove Judy to CA and Christopher's wedding, but I guess it was just a 2 week vacation.
I am doing better every day, and even think I will start cutting back on the tylenol and see how that goes., I will continue to take the Ibuprofen cause I think that has helped the most. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, love ya all, m
I had a great day yesterday, went and had my hair cut and colored at Jan's. and when I got home I got a call from Aunt Loretta. She is planning on coming to MN for the Cousins Christmas and staying with me. I am so looking forward to that She keeps checking to make sure I will be up to it, so it is my goal to be up and running by Thanksgiving.
This morning I got an email from my cousin June, and they are coming and taking me out for lunch. I thought they had left for the winter when they drove Judy to CA and Christopher's wedding, but I guess it was just a 2 week vacation.
I am doing better every day, and even think I will start cutting back on the tylenol and see how that goes., I will continue to take the Ibuprofen cause I think that has helped the most. Keep those thoughts and prayers coming, love ya all, m
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Ann and Doug
Both my daughter-in-law Ann, and my son-in-law Doug, share today as their birthday....but a year apart! They are so lucky, cause today is probably going to be the best day of Fall we get! the mid 60's and the sun is shining brightly. Oh Happy Day!
Yesterday was a quiet day for me....I found out at 10:45 a.m. that the retiree's were meeting for lunch at 11:30, but although the mind was willing the body was weak. I just went back to the couch where I stayed most all day. Didn't accomplish much of anything other than maybe healing some! My butt feels better every day.
Today I have an appointment to have my hair that will get me dressed and out of the house at least. Other than that, I don't have any plans.
Tomorrow I will attend a colo-rectal cancer support group. I attempted these gatherings only 3 or 4 times over the past 3 years since being diagnosed, but surgery and treatments have always gotten in the way of me being a regular. So hopefully this year I will be better in the attendance record. I have always learned from this group, and so nice to share with other survivors.
Well, need to get back to that couch before I shower and go to Jan's. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was a quiet day for me....I found out at 10:45 a.m. that the retiree's were meeting for lunch at 11:30, but although the mind was willing the body was weak. I just went back to the couch where I stayed most all day. Didn't accomplish much of anything other than maybe healing some! My butt feels better every day.
Today I have an appointment to have my hair that will get me dressed and out of the house at least. Other than that, I don't have any plans.
Tomorrow I will attend a colo-rectal cancer support group. I attempted these gatherings only 3 or 4 times over the past 3 years since being diagnosed, but surgery and treatments have always gotten in the way of me being a regular. So hopefully this year I will be better in the attendance record. I have always learned from this group, and so nice to share with other survivors.
Well, need to get back to that couch before I shower and go to Jan's. Love and prayers, m
Monday, November 8, 2010
Sparkling Windows lets the Sun Shine In!
Even though it took me three times to get the patio door streak free!...I am so happy to have the sun shining in so brightly. It makes me happy!
Before breakfast I was washing that patio door for the third been up and moving a lot already this morning. I had a good nights sleep, and I can't tell you how much better my butt is feeling. I was even able to sleep on my back for a while last night.
Had a good day yesterday. I went to church, came home and watched the hair pulling Viking game....but we won, so that Fantasy Football team beat Nick's too! My FFT has the same record as the Vikings, so it was quite a feat to beat Nick. After the game, I went shopping for Ann and Doug's birthday presents! Tomorrow is their big have to figure out when the family can get together and celebrate....everyone is so busy with school, work and sports! But we'll figure something out.
Then last evening I got to play with Matthew for a few hours as Annie and Nicole had to go to Nicole's confirmation program at church! Matthew brought ToyStory3 with, and we attempted to watch it together on my TV, but it didn't want to work....scratches or Matthew put it on his little portable DVD and had to pretty much watch it by I watched the Green Bay Packers beat the Colts!
Well, I think it's time for me to lay down again! Been standing since I got up at 8:00 a.m. No big plans for the and prayers, m
Before breakfast I was washing that patio door for the third been up and moving a lot already this morning. I had a good nights sleep, and I can't tell you how much better my butt is feeling. I was even able to sleep on my back for a while last night.
Had a good day yesterday. I went to church, came home and watched the hair pulling Viking game....but we won, so that Fantasy Football team beat Nick's too! My FFT has the same record as the Vikings, so it was quite a feat to beat Nick. After the game, I went shopping for Ann and Doug's birthday presents! Tomorrow is their big have to figure out when the family can get together and celebrate....everyone is so busy with school, work and sports! But we'll figure something out.
Then last evening I got to play with Matthew for a few hours as Annie and Nicole had to go to Nicole's confirmation program at church! Matthew brought ToyStory3 with, and we attempted to watch it together on my TV, but it didn't want to work....scratches or Matthew put it on his little portable DVD and had to pretty much watch it by I watched the Green Bay Packers beat the Colts!
Well, I think it's time for me to lay down again! Been standing since I got up at 8:00 a.m. No big plans for the and prayers, m
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sunday, Sonday!
I actually made it to church and back this morning. Don't think I could have made it much farther....I'm ready for the couch. I hope to rest up on the couch and then do some shopping this afternoon. Taking the ibuprofen is really helping. Other than that no changes.
I'm proud to say I did get some grocery shopping done yesterday on my own, and even washed the patio door on the outside. I think I may have to go back and get rid of a few streaks today, but atleast I can see out of it now.
Got this email from Phil (my little brother) today, and thought I should share it with you:
Sometimes we wonder,
'What did I do to deserve this?' or
'Why did God have to do this to me?'
Here is a wonderful explanation!
A daughter is telling her Mother how everything
is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend
broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.
Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and
asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the
daughter says, 'Absolutely Mom, I love your cake.'
'Here, have some cooking oil,' her Mother offers.
'Yuck' says her daughter.
'How about a couple raw eggs?' 'Gross, Mom!'
'Would you like some flour then?
Or maybe baking soda?'
'Mom, those are all yucky!'
To which the mother replies:
'Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves.
But when they are put together in the
right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! '
God works the same way. Many times we wonder why
He would let us go through such bad and difficult
times. But God knows that when He puts these things
all in His order, they always work for good! We just
have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all
make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you.
He sends you flowers every spring and
a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe,
and He chose your heart.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are
here we might as well dance!
All of you are my cake.....I am so blessed to have the family and friends I have. Love and prayers, m
I'm proud to say I did get some grocery shopping done yesterday on my own, and even washed the patio door on the outside. I think I may have to go back and get rid of a few streaks today, but atleast I can see out of it now.
Got this email from Phil (my little brother) today, and thought I should share it with you:
Sometimes we wonder,
'What did I do to deserve this?' or
'Why did God have to do this to me?'
Here is a wonderful explanation!
A daughter is telling her Mother how everything
is going wrong, she's failing algebra, her boyfriend
broke up with her and her best friend is moving away.
Meanwhile, her Mother is baking a cake and
asks her daughter if she would like a snack, and the
daughter says, 'Absolutely Mom, I love your cake.'
'Here, have some cooking oil,' her Mother offers.
'Yuck' says her daughter.
'How about a couple raw eggs?' 'Gross, Mom!'
'Would you like some flour then?
Or maybe baking soda?'
'Mom, those are all yucky!'
To which the mother replies:
'Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves.
But when they are put together in the
right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! '
God works the same way. Many times we wonder why
He would let us go through such bad and difficult
times. But God knows that when He puts these things
all in His order, they always work for good! We just
have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all
make something wonderful!
God is crazy about you.
He sends you flowers every spring and
a sunrise every morning.
Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen.
He can live anywhere in the universe,
and He chose your heart.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are
here we might as well dance!
All of you are my cake.....I am so blessed to have the family and friends I have. Love and prayers, m
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Sunny Side Up!
Long but good day yesterday! Headed to Mayo via Sharyl Boes' minivan back seat. After guiding her onto Hwy 52 South, I layed down and slept for about 45 minutes. That was a good trip! We got to Mayo at about 8:35 (Sharyl must have been flying) and my appointment was at 9:00, they called me in almost immediately after checking in (another miracle) and the doctor and Dr. Nelson's assistant Kathie were in within minutes. They checked out my bottom and reported it was looking much better than last week. They suggested I add some Ibuprofen to my pill regiment of tylenol and to finish the antibiotics (which I did this morning). Other than that....keep up the good work of healing and come back on the 16th for another recheck. So within 1/2 hour of arriving, Sharyl and I went to Perkins for breakfast, and headed back home. We arrived home at noon, and of course I went right to the couch. I had a date set up with Rosie, Ann and Sandi (all former fact I was secretary to all three of them at once at ARCC). We met at Green Mill at 5 p.m. and then we were supposed to go the college play following dinner....but before I got there I already knew that dinner was all the sitting I'd be able to handle for this day.....and it was. But I loved dinner and visiting getting caught up on Sandi's pictures of her recent trip to the southwest National Parks, the election, upcoming retirements of former co-workers, my last journey's through Mayo etc. We talked so much they were almost late for the play! (Not hard to believe with this group!)
During dinner I got a call from Jimbo, who had just arrived at the cabin, only to find that last week's wind storm had taken down 2 more of our cedar trees and another half gone tree as well. The funny part is one of them right in front of the new stairs into the cabin, is one Jimbo had almost paid $450 to have removed a month ago....but he figured it was too high a mother nature took care of it for us. The other was also pretty dead and near the new basement window of his bedroom. So probably a blessing too! The other blessing is that I had the power lines buried....otherwise both trees would have taken them out.....leaving us with no it is an all electric home now. Also mother nature didn't harm the new or old cabin at all. Thanks be to God!
The addition of Ibuprofen has been a God send as well. I can't believe they didn't suggest it earlier, as it takes down inflamation.....and it really works good! I slept well last night, I've gained a couple of pounds this week (probably all the salty food at the restaurants yesterday) and am generally feeling great. I will try to do a little more standing and activity this week, and gain some stamina. Thank you so much for staying with me in prayer. Love and prayer, m
During dinner I got a call from Jimbo, who had just arrived at the cabin, only to find that last week's wind storm had taken down 2 more of our cedar trees and another half gone tree as well. The funny part is one of them right in front of the new stairs into the cabin, is one Jimbo had almost paid $450 to have removed a month ago....but he figured it was too high a mother nature took care of it for us. The other was also pretty dead and near the new basement window of his bedroom. So probably a blessing too! The other blessing is that I had the power lines buried....otherwise both trees would have taken them out.....leaving us with no it is an all electric home now. Also mother nature didn't harm the new or old cabin at all. Thanks be to God!
The addition of Ibuprofen has been a God send as well. I can't believe they didn't suggest it earlier, as it takes down inflamation.....and it really works good! I slept well last night, I've gained a couple of pounds this week (probably all the salty food at the restaurants yesterday) and am generally feeling great. I will try to do a little more standing and activity this week, and gain some stamina. Thank you so much for staying with me in prayer. Love and prayer, m
Friday, November 5, 2010
Short and Sweet
I'm actually writing this at about 6:10 a.m. Yes I am out of bed. Already ate my breakfast and working on that first cup of coffee. I have to be in Rochester at 9 a.m., and Sharyl Boes (neighbor) is going to drive me down. She also drives a van with a bench across the back so I'll be lying down most of the way.
I am seeing the surgeon this morning for a recheck of the abscess I have below my tailbone. It has been draining for the last week and I have been on antibiotics all week. We'll see what they think today. I can't tell if it's getting smaller or not.
I will report later in the day what she says.
Yesterday I had a visit from friend Bonnie Sass, which I enjoyed a lot. But stayed on the couch most all the day. Nothing else exciting., Love and prayers, m
I am seeing the surgeon this morning for a recheck of the abscess I have below my tailbone. It has been draining for the last week and I have been on antibiotics all week. We'll see what they think today. I can't tell if it's getting smaller or not.
I will report later in the day what she says.
Yesterday I had a visit from friend Bonnie Sass, which I enjoyed a lot. But stayed on the couch most all the day. Nothing else exciting., Love and prayers, m
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Healing Sunshine
I must say....the sunshine always makes me happy and I'm sure it brings healing.
A little late in writing today....just started and got a phone call from friend Bonnie Sass, and she is coming to visit today as she is in town for a few days. (she lives in Emily, MN) Hope to maybe make some plans for our winter trips. I need something to look forward to. So that should be fun.
Yesterday, I got a call from Aunt Loretta, (I sure hope I can live as long and be so spry and sharp.) She is looking forward to Karen coming to visit from Switzerland for Thanksgiving. Only two weeks away. She is also looking forward to coming for the Cousins Christmas Party on Dec. 11 in Wisconsin at cousin Annie's restaurant. It will be a treat for me to host her. Kathleen and I have adopted her as our mom, and she is a close match.
Right after talking to Loretta, I got an email from Karen, and she gave me several remedies for RLS, all which included schnapps, but it was rubbing it on etc. I think the schnapps might work, but drinking a shot before bed would be my cure. Unfortunately I don't have the access to it they have on in the moistier. She also sent me these comments: "I really hope your discomfort will be further behind you than it
currently is... It sounds iike your healing process still has one loose end to fix :-) ..." Yes, Karen the discomfort is in my butt constantly behind me and I'd love to loose it., and it is a loose end!!!
Not much else to report, going back to the couch. Love and prayers, m
A little late in writing today....just started and got a phone call from friend Bonnie Sass, and she is coming to visit today as she is in town for a few days. (she lives in Emily, MN) Hope to maybe make some plans for our winter trips. I need something to look forward to. So that should be fun.
Yesterday, I got a call from Aunt Loretta, (I sure hope I can live as long and be so spry and sharp.) She is looking forward to Karen coming to visit from Switzerland for Thanksgiving. Only two weeks away. She is also looking forward to coming for the Cousins Christmas Party on Dec. 11 in Wisconsin at cousin Annie's restaurant. It will be a treat for me to host her. Kathleen and I have adopted her as our mom, and she is a close match.
Right after talking to Loretta, I got an email from Karen, and she gave me several remedies for RLS, all which included schnapps, but it was rubbing it on etc. I think the schnapps might work, but drinking a shot before bed would be my cure. Unfortunately I don't have the access to it they have on in the moistier. She also sent me these comments: "I really hope your discomfort will be further behind you than it
currently is... It sounds iike your healing process still has one loose end to fix :-) ..." Yes, Karen the discomfort is in my butt constantly behind me and I'd love to loose it., and it is a loose end!!!
Not much else to report, going back to the couch. Love and prayers, m
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunny, Sunny Day!
Love waking up to the sunshine, and it looks like this weekend when we fall back, I get that sun a little earlier in the morning. I hate the thought of it getting dark earlier, but I guess that is the trade-off.
Yesterday was filled with a few new accomplishments, but not without some problems as well. I drove myself to the polling place and voted mid-day. The first time I drove the car in over a month. It was only a 5 minute drive, but it wasn't without pain. It seems I am in constant pain or aching when putting pressure on that tailbone. I take 2 extra-strength tylenol every six hours, but I don't really ever feel like it is doing any good....but then again I haven't tried to go without it either. So I really don't know how much better I must feel.
Then last evening I attempted to go to card club. I did get picked up at 6:15 by LaVonne, and already I was thinking it might not be a good idea...but on I went. I gingerly sat through a couple of hours of 500, but started wilting and thankfully LaVonne was willing to take me home, shortly after 9 p.m. I got home around 9:30 and went right to the couch. However, the election and stimulation of card club kept me wide awake till about 11:30 p.m. when I finally gave up and went to bed.....but that was to no avail. I figured out that the more I am in a upright position during the day, the more restless leg syndrome I have at night. I tossed and turned well into the night, and finally got up and took more tylenol at 1:30 a.m. (a little early) but hoping it would silence my legs and let me rest. I did finally go to sleep, but kept playing the election in my dreams, and woke up wondering what had really happened. Too close to dreams were right!!! I guess I didn't get much rest, but have no plans for today except resting. I will try not to sit if at all possible. I am even standing typing this.
Got a fun phone call from my nephew Hung Ly (a.k.a. Paul Schoenecker) who has taken back his birth name. He claims my brother (his dad) is becoming his father, our dad...or that he is not aging gracefully. I laughed at that. Grandpa did get a little grumpy in his old age....but when I think of all the problems he had, I think I might be grumpy too....and Bill is no exception.
I got another phone call as I was leaving cards last night from Annie with the news that Nicole has made the Coon Rapids High School hockey team. I'm so happy for her. She's a great skater and has a love for the game.
Nothing more to report, I'm headed back to the couch. Love and prayers, m
Yesterday was filled with a few new accomplishments, but not without some problems as well. I drove myself to the polling place and voted mid-day. The first time I drove the car in over a month. It was only a 5 minute drive, but it wasn't without pain. It seems I am in constant pain or aching when putting pressure on that tailbone. I take 2 extra-strength tylenol every six hours, but I don't really ever feel like it is doing any good....but then again I haven't tried to go without it either. So I really don't know how much better I must feel.
Then last evening I attempted to go to card club. I did get picked up at 6:15 by LaVonne, and already I was thinking it might not be a good idea...but on I went. I gingerly sat through a couple of hours of 500, but started wilting and thankfully LaVonne was willing to take me home, shortly after 9 p.m. I got home around 9:30 and went right to the couch. However, the election and stimulation of card club kept me wide awake till about 11:30 p.m. when I finally gave up and went to bed.....but that was to no avail. I figured out that the more I am in a upright position during the day, the more restless leg syndrome I have at night. I tossed and turned well into the night, and finally got up and took more tylenol at 1:30 a.m. (a little early) but hoping it would silence my legs and let me rest. I did finally go to sleep, but kept playing the election in my dreams, and woke up wondering what had really happened. Too close to dreams were right!!! I guess I didn't get much rest, but have no plans for today except resting. I will try not to sit if at all possible. I am even standing typing this.
Got a fun phone call from my nephew Hung Ly (a.k.a. Paul Schoenecker) who has taken back his birth name. He claims my brother (his dad) is becoming his father, our dad...or that he is not aging gracefully. I laughed at that. Grandpa did get a little grumpy in his old age....but when I think of all the problems he had, I think I might be grumpy too....and Bill is no exception.
I got another phone call as I was leaving cards last night from Annie with the news that Nicole has made the Coon Rapids High School hockey team. I'm so happy for her. She's a great skater and has a love for the game.
Nothing more to report, I'm headed back to the couch. Love and prayers, m
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Welcome Sunshine in my Window
The sun is shining and there is a promise of a beautiful day. For some reason I was awake in the middle of the night, but then I fell a sleep and didn't wake up til 9 a.m. So that is why I'm writing late this morning. I must have needed the sleep, and I feel great. Sitting is still a problem, I wonder when it will be better?
Today I will go and vote, and be so thankful not to have to see those political ads of the TV anymore....till the next election. This will be my first try at driving the car. But it's just a mile from home, so I think I can handle that. Then this evening I am attempting to go to card club. I have LaVonne Kulseth picking me up, along with a bunch of others, and then when we get to Lois's in Anoka we will spread out to two car loads to head for Elk River and Twylla Prather's place. Wish me luck!
My body seems to be getting back to normal (cept for my butt). I've continued to keep my weight, the antibiotics haven't caused any diarrhea. So that hasn't been a problem....but my butt continues to drain a clear liquid off and on. Wish it would come to an end....or stop. It's time for my shower, so I'll write again tomorrow. Love and prayers, m
Today I will go and vote, and be so thankful not to have to see those political ads of the TV anymore....till the next election. This will be my first try at driving the car. But it's just a mile from home, so I think I can handle that. Then this evening I am attempting to go to card club. I have LaVonne Kulseth picking me up, along with a bunch of others, and then when we get to Lois's in Anoka we will spread out to two car loads to head for Elk River and Twylla Prather's place. Wish me luck!
My body seems to be getting back to normal (cept for my butt). I've continued to keep my weight, the antibiotics haven't caused any diarrhea. So that hasn't been a problem....but my butt continues to drain a clear liquid off and on. Wish it would come to an end....or stop. It's time for my shower, so I'll write again tomorrow. Love and prayers, m
Monday, November 1, 2010
New Day....New Month
The witch that greeted the trick or treaters. |
Bill, Katie, Tommy and Kim |
Katie Confirmation 10/31/10 |
I'm holding my weight, eating doesn't seem to be a problem, and constance has been behaving herself. My new stoma is really new and improved. My butt continues to give me problems, but is getting better. Sitting is not my favorite thing to do yet....I prefer laying or standing.
Yesterday after brunch at Bill and Kim's, I went to the Confirmation of Katie. I managed to make it through the whole ceremony....standing was great....sitting was not. But I did it. I managed to get really tired and went home and slept through the Vikings, but was up and dressed in my witches costume for the Trick or Treater"s. I scared a lot of little ones, but they all managed to put their pail out for the candy I had in my hand. It was a fun night. I also skypd Kathleen and Gary, and the Chicago Kieckers. Unfortunely the kids didn't have their costumes on anymore, and Kennedy was not home, but Presley loved talking to the witch.
Emily seemed to beat the pants off my fantasy football team, but actually I think my team didn't even show up. My team is kinda like the Vikings.....hopeless!
Don't have any big plans for the day....laundry and resting. Hope you like my pictures. Love and prayers, m
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