Monday, November 15, 2010

Sunny and Cold

I just need the sun to make me high....the cold doesn't bother me as long as I have no place to go......however, I do get to go out tonite for dinner with some friends we call the First Friday group.....I know it's not Friday, but that was a name we gave ourselves when we met the first Friday of each month.  That was about 30 years or longer ago, and we now meet whenever most of us can.

I got several people volunteering to drive me to Mayo tomorrow, but the first were Bonnie and Bob Lammers. As they live in Rosemont, We have chosen a Park and Ride Lot on the North side to meet.  I know I can make a 1/2 trip driving as I did that last week to North a 15 or 20 minute drive won't be bad.  I really appreciate the rest of you that volunteered, but I went with first come first serve!!

Since I wrote after church yesterday, I don't have much to report for the rest of the day.....did have company (Matthew) for a few hours around dinner time, and we had fun playing a game I made up that he could play. It involved some counting and a race, using the cribbage board and he beat me three times without me letting him win.  My usual luck at cards.....even a five year old beats me....but he loved it.  I was also unlucky at fantasy football again this week.  My team usually goes as the Vikings go....even though I don't have a Viking on my team.  I had two on the bench that scored big....but Gary was thrilled to beat me.

The snow didn't totally melt away, but it left all the roads and driveways dry.  I see some people are still without power though. Wow 2 days with below freezing temps.  I feel sorry for them.  Annie was out for 24 hours which is plenty long.  It makes you realize how much you depend on that electricity.  You need to go back to your camping tricks.  Hope you all are staying warm, Love and prayers, m

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