Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Sunny Sunny Day Hurrah!

I managed to stay in bed till 8:30 this morning.....but then I realized the sun was shining and it made me so happy.  After not seeing it for days.....you really appreciate it!!

My butt is less sore this morning after yesterdays proceedure.  Funny I couldn't feel it when they were doing it....I actually had to ask what they did.....almost sorry I did.  It continued to bleed throughout the evening, but going to bed helped it to subside, this morning it doesn't seem to be bleeding....back to it's clear liquid discharge.  Okay enough of that yukky talk.  It really is better.

Got to start getting ready for Thanksgiving....I did remember to move the turkey from the freezer to the fridge.  I need to take down the Halloween decorations and maybe start digging out the dishes and serving pieces I'll need for Thursday.  I'll wait and do deep cleaning tomorrow.  I have to run to Costco tomorrow morning and pick up a few things, so I'm hoping the storm they are predicting doesn't come till later in the day.  I'm also worrying about traveling to South Mpls to Gene's neices for a few hours mid-day on Thanksgiving.....if the weather is too bad, I may not venture out.  So I'll keep an eye on that....it's way to early to be making those decisions.

Nothing else to report....a big thank you to Bonnie and Bob who drove me to Rochester the last two times.  I really appreciate their taking two full days to help me out.  Besides I really enjoy the visiting in the car back and forth.  For now, love and prayers, m

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