Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Ann and Doug

Both my daughter-in-law Ann, and my son-in-law Doug, share today as their birthday....but a year apart!  They are so lucky, cause today is probably going to be the best day of Fall we get!....in the mid 60's and the sun is shining brightly.  Oh Happy Day!

Yesterday was a quiet day for me....I found out at 10:45 a.m. that the retiree's were meeting for lunch at 11:30, but although the mind was willing the body was weak.  I just went back to the couch where I stayed most all day.  Didn't accomplish much of anything other than maybe healing some!  My butt feels better every day.

Today I have an appointment to have my hair done....so that will get me dressed and out of the house at least.  Other than that, I don't have any plans.

Tomorrow I will attend a colo-rectal cancer support group.  I attempted these gatherings only 3 or 4 times over the past 3 years since being diagnosed, but surgery and treatments have always gotten in the way of me being a regular.  So hopefully this year I will be better in the attendance record.  I have always learned from this group, and so nice to share with other survivors.

Well, need to get back to that couch before I shower and go to Jan's.  Love and prayers, m

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