Long but good day yesterday! Headed to Mayo via Sharyl Boes' minivan back seat. After guiding her onto Hwy 52 South, I layed down and slept for about 45 minutes. That was a good trip! We got to Mayo at about 8:35 (Sharyl must have been flying) and my appointment was at 9:00, they called me in almost immediately after checking in (another miracle) and the doctor and Dr. Nelson's assistant Kathie were in within minutes. They checked out my bottom and reported it was looking much better than last week. They suggested I add some Ibuprofen to my pill regiment of tylenol and to finish the antibiotics (which I did this morning). Other than that....keep up the good work of healing and come back on the 16th for another recheck. So within 1/2 hour of arriving, Sharyl and I went to Perkins for breakfast, and headed back home. We arrived home at noon, and of course I went right to the couch. I had a date set up with Rosie, Ann and Sandi (all former bosses....in fact I was secretary to all three of them at once at ARCC). We met at Green Mill at 5 p.m. and then we were supposed to go the college play following dinner....but before I got there I already knew that dinner was all the sitting I'd be able to handle for this day.....and it was. But I loved dinner and visiting getting caught up on Sandi's pictures of her recent trip to the southwest National Parks, the election, upcoming retirements of former co-workers, my last journey's through Mayo etc. We talked so much they were almost late for the play! (Not hard to believe with this group!)
During dinner I got a call from Jimbo, who had just arrived at the cabin, only to find that last week's wind storm had taken down 2 more of our cedar trees and another half gone tree as well. The funny part is one of them right in front of the new stairs into the cabin, is one Jimbo had almost paid $450 to have removed a month ago....but he figured it was too high a price....so mother nature took care of it for us. The other was also pretty dead and near the new basement window of his bedroom. So probably a blessing too! The other blessing is that I had the power lines buried....otherwise both trees would have taken them out.....leaving us with no heat....as it is an all electric home now. Also mother nature didn't harm the new or old cabin at all. Thanks be to God!
The addition of Ibuprofen has been a God send as well. I can't believe they didn't suggest it earlier, as it takes down inflamation.....and it really works good! I slept well last night, I've gained a couple of pounds this week (probably all the salty food at the restaurants yesterday) and am generally feeling great. I will try to do a little more standing and activity this week, and gain some stamina. Thank you so much for staying with me in prayer. Love and prayer, m
Mary, Mary it's been a while I am soooooo busy out here I have only time to read you blog each day. I have been trying out everything they have to offer at the senior center to see what I want to do. I have met a number of ladies and a couple of gentlemen too. Funny the three guys I have met are all called Jim. Isn't that a kicker. So glad things are looking up for you. I still keep you in my prayers. jv