Friday, November 12, 2010

Here Comes the Snow!

Well, probably not today, but tomorrow and Sunday.  Just rain today.  So I'll have to make my own sunshine.....might be hard with only chores planned for the day.  I've got atleast three loads of laundry to do.

Yesterday was a very nice day.  I started early going to a Christian Women's Brunch at Majestic Oaks Country Club, with my friend Jan Ranum.  I guess out of a room of about 60-75 women I knew atleast 4 women....pretty good, although I recognized a few more faces but didn't know their names.  The 4 I did know where mostly flash backs to my past.  One was a women I worked with at Shoppers City.....atleast 35 years ago.  Another was a relative of Mary Christy who lived with mom and dad about 46 years ago. One a lady from the North Suburban Women s Club that I've known for atleast 20 years and another a women from church that had children in my Junior High program 30 years ago. Had a chance to talk with all of them.  I also got my name pulled out of a hat for first timers and won a certificate to attend the December Brunch.  So Jan and I will take advantage of that.  The speaker a 48 year old Christian women from Fergus Falls who lost her husband 5 years ago in a freak bicycle accident when the family was out for a Saturday afernoon bike ride.  She told the story of grieving with hope.....being carried through by her Faith. So a tear jerker, but a lot of the things she said hit home with me and my journey over the last three years since Gene died.  It reinforced how much I've been blessed by my faith and through that, all the prayers, love and encouragement I've received from my family and friends.
Then, most of the group from the brunch proceeded downstairs to the annual Holiday Craft Sale at Majestic Oaks.  What fun shopping.  You would think that by then I would have had the best day ever....but after returning home to the couch, the door bell rang and I went to the door only to recieve a beautiful bouquet of Stargazer Lilies (my favorite) from Mary (#1) Brue.  She tries to down play that and call herself Mary 3/4 but she will always be #1 to me.  When I worked at the college a job that Mary got me, their were three Mary's.  Mary Brue was number 1, chronologically, alphabetically, and in seniority.  I was Mary #3.  As the Mary's left, I ended up being the only Mary employed at the college.  So Mary thought she had to relinquish that title....but I will always call her Mary #1. Mary and I had earlier this week discovered that both of us love stargazer lilies from a questionaire I had responded to in an email. She signed her card: "You're my Hero, Mary 3/4"  So that topped my day!!!
My day was also great in the butt area as well.  I am cutting down on the amount of Tylenol I'm taking, and I was still able to sit mostly through the brunch, and the car ride to and from.  So each day I feel a little stronger and have more energy to get things done.
With my blog as an instigator, I got a hand-stamped card from my friend Barb Skierecki this week.  It read "Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance."  I will continue to dance.  Love and prayers, m

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