I need to shower and get on the move this morning to do some quick shopping before the ice comes back. Then I'll be home cleaning this evening.
Yesterday was a pretty quiet day....never even got dressed. Kinda normal day after being at Mayo don't know if it's the check up itself or the ride for 4 hours in the car that knocks me out the next day. But anyway, when my son Bill stopped by around 7 p.m. he saw the newspaper wasn't taken in, so he immediately went to the mailbox and got my mail as well. It wasn't that I forgot about them, I just didn't want to get dressed and go out in the cold and get it. Lazy is what the call it. I knew he was coming, so I knew I could ask him to get them for me, but he surprised me by walking in the door with it in hand. I did get some work done though....I dug out all the dishes needed for tomorrows dinner and set one of the tables. Forgot to have Bill bring up a table from the basement for me. I'll have to have the first to arrive tomorrow do that for me.
The butt is still draining like usual. Not a lot of pain....just discomfort. I'm not taking any tylenol....just using ibuprofen. Well, got to get into the shower and get moving today. Lots more work to do. Love you all, have a happy day. m
Happy Thanksgiving Day. Hope your day will be a great one. Made cookies with Aleesa Yesterday and the got all my table stuff out and cleaned on Monday. Today I make the cranberry relish, and make sure everything is chopped for the stuffing. Cathy has taken possession of the turkey. Gobble, Gobble, JV