Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Snowy Snowy Day!

So glad I made the decision not to go to Rochester this morning.  They may not have gotten hit as bad there, but getting from one end of the cities to the other would have been a nightmare.  Many schools are closed or delayed 2 hours all over the state.  Anyway, I've rescheduled for Friday, and will have the Boes' drive me down. I have been so blessed to have so many people give of their time and gas to drive me down each time.  Thank you to all my drivers.

Yesterday I went to my oncologist who over saw all my chemo last spring, and actually has been my oncologist since I was originally diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer.  He also agreed that I should have my next CTscan scheduled for Jan. 5 at the Mayo, and then in April have it at HHH in Robinsdale.  So hopefully my days of traveling to Rochester will then be over for a long time.

I think after about 25 emails back and forth and changing the date several times, we have finally settled on a maybe possible (for Tom, Karen and family) date.  So, as I can't imagine Christmas without my whole family and all the grandkids....I need your prayers to make that maybe possible date to be for sure.  Of course as I believe in the possible in all things (the polyanna in me) I also believe in the power of prayer.  Plus if they want their presents they have to come and get them....or wait till the end of January when I stop on my way south.  I'm planning a trip to Florida with my friend Bonnie the end of January and beginning of February.

Today I need to do laundry...been putting that off for a week now.  But it will still be 3 loads....just a little fuller loads than normal.  Other than that.....as it is still snowing....I probably won't do anything.  Maybe get a few Christmas projects done.  Like getting a Christmas letter started.  Do you believe I got my first Christmas card a week before Thanksgiving.  I'm not mentioning any names....but some people need to get a life. ha ha!  Even being retired I can't imagine getting my cards out that early.  Of course some people are not running to Rochester and 3 other doctors all the time.

Planning a Deck the Halls Party all weekend.  Have invited my kids and grandkids to come and help decorate and put up the trees with me.  Need help with the heavy lifting etc.  Besides I think it will be so fun.  I'm serving apple cider, Hot Chocolate and cookies for the helpers.  I've already got an RSVP from Katie and Tommy.....early this morning before I was even out of bed.  Their mom is at work really early....so I imagine she sent it.

Well, I guess that's enough rambling from me.....Love and prayers, m

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