But I have yet to see the sun. It is cold and breezy out there....but I'll venture out today to buy groceries....it's becoming a necessity.
I sat a lot yesterday, and by the time I went to bed last night my butt was really aching....so I need to stay off it as much as I can today. Shopping should help. I never even got dressed yesterday, the neighbor, Donny Boes, blew out my drive-way....and his wife Sharyl called around 5 p.m. and asked if I'd eaten yet....I said no, and so she came over with a container of warm turkey rice soup she had made. While she was here I scarfed it down. As I wasn't dressed I haven't picked up the mail yet either. But I'll get it as I drive by on my way to the grocery store. I did get some things done yesterday, like the laundry, washed, folded and put away. I brought out my Christmas table cloth and runner and put that on too.
It was such a good idea that I cancelled my appointment for yesterday....on the news they said that Coon Rapids/Anoka area of the Metro got the worst of the snow and ice. We had several accidents on Hwy 10 which is what we needed to take all the way into downtown St. Paul. Thank You God for making that good decision. As I was just typing this, the Chevy commercial came on that is singing "You are my Sunshine". I'm sure that must be a sign that he is watching me.
Nothing exciting or new, so I guess I better get in the shower and start moving. Love and prayers, m
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