Well....I guess I didn't do any laundry yesterday either. But I was really a busy lady. I left home at 9:15 a.m. and took Aunt Loretta to the airport, stopped at Home Depot, Victoria Secret, PacSun, the Post Office, HealthPartners pharmacy, Cub and McDonalds and was back home at Noon. But I have all my Christmas shopping done. Early in the afternoon, I got a call from my sister Kathleen, wondering if Loretta got her clothes? I was really confused, cause I got her suitcase and walker out and checked them right at the curb and got Loretta a wheelchair and she was all on her way when I drove away....but evidently she shortly realized that I had her carryon bag with all her meds etc. still in the backseat of my car, So once I realized that I went out and retrieved it and emptied all the stuff into a box and ran to the Post Office. I guess Pandora has already made arrangements with the pharmacy to get her enough pills to last her till the box gets there,...atleast I hope so!
So that is why I didn't get anything else accomplished yesterday, I was all warn out after that! But I was really happy that I was able to make it all the way to the airport and back without too much problem with my butt. I think all the shopping after wasn't too smart....but my butt didn't complain too much!
I'll be wrapping presents for a few days now, and I'll set up shop in the basement so I can do the laundry at the same time. It'll work great. I did work on my Christmas letter while I was resting my butt last night, so it looks like I may get it out before Christmas....things are looking up.
I've included a picture of Loretta in front of a snowbank....she wanted to show it off to all her friends in California. Hope you enjoy it. I miss her already! But she did call and give me a bad time about the suitcase last night after they finally let the plane land. Evidently the bad weather is following her...,it was raining so hard they circled for about an hour before landing. It's supposed to rain all weekend...they are talking about 5 inches by Sunday evening. I'm sure the snow was her fault too!
Love and prayers to all, m
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