Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Sun is Shining for Jack's 18th Birthday

Wow....I have an 18 year old grandson today!!!  And a great one at that!  Happy Birthday Jack!

Tonight they are celebrating by going to the Hollidazzle Parade downtown.  Then following with pizza at Pizza Flame like when he was little.  But knowing how my neuropothy is so much worse in the cold....I think I may just do the Pizza Flame part.  I still have the numbness in my fingers and feet which is emphasized by the cold.  It came from the chemo I had last spring, and I actually have to wait till the nerves grow back to make it go away.  I can't imagine standing outside in the cold for an hour.

I got my groceries yesterday and finished picking up Jack's gift.  But other than that, I didn't accomplish much....a nap...made a hotdish from leftovers and some hamburger...wrapped his present...and that's about it.  Did manage to get the 2 days mail....picked up Tuesdays on my way to the grocery store, and then on my way back I got Wednesdays mail.  I did get one of the packages I ordered online last that is pretty quick.  The other item I ordered I was after the fact notified is on back who knows when that will come. Ironically it is for Will....who got his birthday present late as well.

Nothing much planned for the daylight hours today....and tomorrow I head back to Mayo to have my butt looked at.  I don't really feel like it is getting any better.  I'll see what they say.....I think I'll just see the surgeon's assistant so I don't know if she'll do anything either.  Keep those prayers coming, m

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