I think this is going to go down in the history books as the snowiest December in all time. It's already snowing this morning, and they were predicting that it wouldn't happen till noon. They were also talking about it coming down at the rate of one inch per hour. The Vikings are about to play the first home game outside since the dome was built, and it is going to be on National TV, and the snow is going to be piled up to about 8 inches by then. What a site this will be.
I have to go back to Mayo again tomorrow, so I am hoping the roads are plowed by the time we have to leave tomorrow morning. Uggghhhhh! I really don't mind snow as long as I don't have to go anywhere....it looks really pretty and clean. But this is getting ridiculous.
I worked all afternoon wrapping, and am still not done. It will be another couple of days of wrapping before I'm done, and tomorrow I'll be gone soooo, it's lucky we are not opening gifts till Sunday the 26th. I'm pretty sure I'll be done by then. At least I got the cards in the mail yesterday...they should get delivered before Christmas.
My butt didn't appreciate all the sitting and wrapping on Saturday, so I did a lot of it standing yesterday. But I also had Matthew here keeping me company. So that helped too! My neck also wasn't as sore....I slept better and only got up and took ibuprofen at 2 a.m. I also managed to stay in bed till 9 this morning. I talked to Kathleen yesterday, and she suggested I get one of those pillows that supports your neck....and I think that might just work.....so I'll be looking for that. I'm thinking that sitting crooked all the time to save my butt is causing the nerve pinching in the shoulder and neck. So helping one is hindering the other.....what is a person to do?
Well I guess you know what I'll be doing today. I did get my laundry done and folded yesterday, so only the wrapping to do. Then I'll be watching that Viking game from the warmth of my living room. Love and prayers to all of you. Stay warm, m
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