Monday, December 6, 2010

Happy St. Nicholas Day!

When I was working, I used to place bags of chocolate coins on the desks of co-workers (who were mostly women) on this day, and give them a little story about St. Nicholas and how he saved a widowers daughters from prostitution by secretly leaving them a bag of gold coins.  Yesterday as I was putting out my Christmas decorations I found a Holy card and it had an image of St. Nick and on the back was this poem:
St. Nicholas, holy patron of children
saintly and generous bishop,
inspire us to give gifts
of ourselves and our time.
Give us your blessing 
so that we might fill with sincerity
each greeting we speak and send.
Smiling saint of sweets and toys
help us stay youthful and mirthful,
playful and joyful so that we can celebrate 
every day as Christmas.
Patron Saint of generosity,
arounse us to an evergreen extravagance
in loving and in giving gifts
to those we love and to the poor.
Paran of the un-thanked,
who always slips away
before you can be thanked
incite us to be like you.
"Spirit of Christmas" poem by Edward Hays.

I really loved it and had to share with all of you.  Hope all of you were good and St. Nick was good to you.

Yesterday, Bill, Kim, Katie and Tommy, came to help me finish up on the decorating.  Grandma's halls are pretty well decked now.  I still have to put tinsel on the tree, but that is a job only I can do....I've never taught anyone else how to put it on.  I'm kinda anal in that matter (if I can be that without one..hehe). The house looks and smells really nice.

My Vikings did win yesterday, but I'm afraid my fantasy football team won't do the same.  I'm ahead right now, but Katie has 2 players left to play this evening, and I'm sure they will score enough points to beat me.  I'm only ahead by 3 points.

I'm going to lunch today with the retiree's and wannabees.  So should get to see a few I haven't seen for awhile.  I also got a call from Bonnie Sass this morning, and she is coming to start making some more plans for our trip to Florida in January.

Time to get to you tomorrow....Love and prayers, m 

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