Friday, December 10, 2010

The Calm Before the Storm

Sorry I'm late.....slept late.....I guess I'm not that late writing, just late sleeping!!!!  Felt good.  The sun is trying to come out, and it is only in the teens but should be in the 20's today, and then tonight the storm comes....they are predicting 6 - 9 inches here and even worse in Wisconsin.....12+ inches.  Loretta says we didn't need to get this much for her visit.  We've had to postpone the Cousin's Christmas Party in Wisconsin.  We moved it from Sat. to Sunday.  Hopefully the road will be clear and dry by then.

We didn't do much after going to the brunch yesterday morning.  Funny story about that:  Last month I went for the first time, and they have a basket that they collect the names of all the first timers, and then draw one out and give them a ticket for the next months brunch....Last month I won.....this month they drew out Loretta's name, but we told them that she was from CA and wouldn't be here next they drew another name.  Unfortunately she couldn't do the same kind of luck with the weather.

I need to go back to Mayo again next Wednesday, and am in need for a driver again.  Rita Culshaw had volunteered last time I asked, but I already had a driver....she can't do it this month, she already had a party planned for that morning.  That seasonal party thing is hard to get around at this time of the year.  But if anyone is available, you can use my van....then I can lay in back.....I'd really appreciate it.

Today I get a visit from the Avon lady, and also have to pick up a few provisions so Loretta and I have something to eat when we are snowed in tomorrow.  Nothing else....just a quite day all around.  I suppose Loretta and I will get a few rounds of Yatzee in.....yesterday she beat me 4 out of 5 games.  Why am I such a loser?  Even Matthew, the Master, beats me!  Oh Well, I win at a lot of other things in life.  Love and prayers, m

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