Well not literally, but today we finally get to go to Annie's restaurant in Colfax. Snow is not going to stop us today. We in the northern suburbs and Wisconsin didn't get any of that new white fluffy stuff....however, Judy in Shakopee and points South and West got a few inches. Judy and I are meeting at Janet and Randy's place, and Judy will leave her car there and take over driving for me. Janet may join us, but don't know that for sure. John and Flo will bring Loretta up from Portage, and Kim Weimer (Loretta's granddaughter) will come from Menomonee, and we will all have lunch at Annie's. A mini Cousin's Christmas. Finally!!!
My butt is feeling pretty good this morning, I was able to pull out the gauze packing without any pain or problems. Hopefully the trip to Janet's will go well too. My biggest problem lately has been my neck....it continues to be a problem for sleeping, and I'm considering seeing a chiropractor. It's so strange cause laying in the back of the van on our way down to Mayo didn't bother me at all, but as soon as I went to bed the pinched nerve starts to act up, and I can't find an angle to lay my head without pain. I've started getting up during the night and taking more ibuprofen and then in a few hours tylenol....so when I fall to sleep it's only for a few hours, and then I'm tossing around trying to find a spot that doesn't make it hurt. It puts my arm to sleep or feels like it is starting to. Don't know what to do!
Still looking for a ride to Mayo on the 21st. of Dec.....next Tuesday. Rita Culshaw wrote and said she couldn't....she has two Christmas parties....afraid that is par for the course the week before Christmas. Hope someone out there can help. Judy leaves to go back to California along with Loretta on Friday. She has proven to be a great driver....and caretaker for me. Thank you, Thank you, Judy. I hope not to have to repay you in the same manner. Stay healthy and well.
Of to see the wizard....we'll follow the yellow brick road or I94. Love and prayers, m
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