Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wow Sunshine Three Days in a Row!

I love to see the sun makes me feel so is going to bring rain.....and ice....and then more snow.....uuuggghhhh.  The polyanna in me says enjoy today....and worry about tomorrow I'm smiling at the sun today!!!  That and chasing the squirrels away from my new wreath of bird food that they finally discovered.  So far I'm doing a pretty good job, but I'm afraid as soon as I move away from the window he'll sneek back and eat the whole thing before the birds get it.

Not a lot happened yesterday.  I did some cleaning of the lower level, mended some jeans for Ann H. and shortened Nicole's flannel pants I gave her for Christmas.  Then Annie called and asked if I would watch Matthew while they went to the hockey tournament in Edina that Nicole and the Varsity teams were in?  Matthew voted to come to my house, so he could play his new games with me.....and beat me.....which he did.  Both in Toy Story Yahtzee and in Cootie.  In my defense he only beat me by one point in Yahtzee and I think he cheated in else could it happen?  I got to watch the Vikings actually win too so it was a good day all around.

Today I have absolutely nothing planned.  Well I do have laundry to do....but that's not exciting.  My butt seems to be holding steady.  No worse.  I don't go down to Mayo till next Tuesday, so I have a whole week before they mess with it again.  I also have my quarterly CT scan on Wednesday, so prayers needed that it is clean.  It's always scary....thoughts that they might find something new....sneak into my mind.  But I am feeling those Pollyanna thoughts need to keep overriding the scary ones.

That's all folks, love and prayers, m

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