Friday, December 3, 2010

Off to Mayo Once Again

No time to write a long blog....if you want to check back later I'll report on my day when I get home.  Another storm in coming,.,,so we will try to outrun it.  It is supposed to start snowing in the cities this afternoon, but we are headed south so who knows what we'll run into.  Donny isn't afraid of off we go. Love, m

I'm home!  Actually got home before the snow started and had to run to HealthPartners to fill a prescription for antibiotics I got at Mayo this morning, and then I went to fill my tank with gas...with the thought of beating the snow, but it started while I was getting the prescription filled. They are predicting about 5 or 6 inches this time. Then I got home and made dinner and played on the computer and answered some emails.  Judy wrote and asked if I was okay, and I promised her I would hurry up and finally post this.

I complained to the doctor that I thought my pain in the butt was worse and that the drainage was a different consistency than the clear liquid it had been.  I also had excuses for the soreness...I had been more active and sitting up a lot more than usual....and I also stopped taking Tylenol a few weeks ago so maybe that was the reason.  The doctor didn't think it looked any redder than it had 10 days ago, and thought it might be a bit smaller, but decided to be safe and put me back on antibiotics for another 10 days.  She also said I might want to start taking the Tylenol again.  Then cleaned it and coated it with silver nitrate again....packed me with gauze and sent me on my way.  I have to go back again in 11 days and I'm sure she will repeat the process again.  So I still have a "Pain in the Butt" but at least I'm not a pain in the butt.  So that's my story and I'm sticking to it.  Thanks for coming back and reading!  Love and prayers, m

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