Thursday, December 23, 2010

More Snow Coming!?!

They thought it wasn't going to come to the cities last night when I went to bed, but now they are saying it is coming back this evening and into tomorrow morning.....just in time for Christmas.  At least they are only saying a couple of big deal. Even with all the snow we had last week, we didn't have the problems that all the rain has made in California and other points west.  But we have a chance of breaking the record.

Ann has set up a CaringBridge site for her dad.  But so far it just has a few pictures, I'm sure as the day goes on they will build a wonderful site.  I think it is listed under his name space.  I talked to Jimbo a couple of times yesterday, and he reported that Buck is doing pretty well.  He's heard all the bad news and says "It is what it is!"  He will try chemo, but they want to give him a chance to recover from the surgery first.  Their whole family will go down on Saturday and spend the day with him.  Please keep them all in your prayers.

I finally finished wrapping all my packages....and now I just have to clean up after myself.  That's the plan for the day....clean, clean, clean.  I am feeling well for the shape I'm in.  Enjoying reading all the cards and letters I've received.  It's beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas.  Love and prayers to all, m

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