Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Sun is Shining! Again!

Two days in a row!!!  They are predicting it to be near 40 degrees by Thursday...but they are also predicting rain!  We are going to have one big skating rink on Friday.  They are also predicting 12 degrees on Saturday.  But the snow and cold temps as far south as Florida makes me think it isn't so bad hear at all.  At least our homes and road clearing trucks are all made for the snow and cold.

Yesterday I did get my Meals on Wheels delivered in probably record time....well I only had 8 meals to deliver.  Then Bonnie Sass came over and we made our final arrangements for the trip to points south and warmer weather (we hope).  Got word back from all that confirmed our date changes are going to work for all those we are staying with.  So I think it is all set....we leave on Jan. 22 now, a few days earlier than originally planned, but Bonnie had to use her timeshare points by Jan. 31, so to make all the other things fit, we had to leave a few days earlier than originally planned.  I'm starting to get excited.  I sure hope we have some good driving weather.  I don't plan on 80's or 90's.....but some 60's would be nice.

Today I need to go down and pick up the basement....after the gathering on Sunday night....mostly vacuuming is needed.  But I may have to wash that table cloth under the chocolate fountain....some of that chocolate didn't make it to those mouths.  I really was surprised that there is only a few drops!  The room actually looks pretty good on the whole.  It won't take me long to do.  I also need to shorten Colie's flannels jamie pants.  I pre-shortened all the boys, but I didn't think about the girls.  The Kiecker trait....short legs...is found in both sexes.

I brought all my pictures up yesterday and propped them up on the loveseat so I can look at them.  It is so fun.  They did such a good job of picking out the great moments we share at the cabin.  I love them all.

Well I better get started....or I'll be sitting in this chair all day.  Buck came home from Rochester yesterday, so re-cooping from the surgery is going well.  All the prayers must be working.  Please keep them coming.  Love and prayers, m

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