Slept in this morning till 9:15 and got on the computer only to have it freeze up on my and took about a half hour before I got it up and running properly. So that is why this is so late in coming. I awoke with the thought of staying in my pjs all day....but soon realized that I have to do Meals on Wheels today.....what was I thinking when I picked this day? But any way, shortly I will be off to pick up Carol Kline who rides along with me and then on to Comlia Rose to pick up the meals. I haven't done it for about 6 months....or so it seems....maybe only 4 months, but anyway I always look forward to seeing the receptors of the meals. They always are so happy to see a friendly face. So I'll have to get dressed quickly and get moving here. But I didn't want to leave home without telling you about the wonderful yet something missing day we had yesterday.
The progressive dinner was great....we had so much fun....and even though we skyped Tom and Karen and family in Chicago, it just wasn't the same without them. We did eat a lot, laugh a lot, talk a lot, and open a lot of presents. Santa was a big hit too with Matthew and Nathan. Then we opened the presents, Matthew would shout and raise his arms in the air in triumph that is was just what he wanted. Although the clothes gave him didn't get the same reaction even though the sweats had a racoon on them (Coon Rapids is known for Rocky Racoon) the town mascot. But the trains and Buzz Lightyear stuff was rocking!!!
As for me I got an assortment of pictures and collages of cabin pictures to dress the walls of the new addition. And Ann and Jimbo even had a canvas done of the old Red Cabin that everyone remembers growing up with. I can't wait to see them all hanging on the walls. I also got some slippers and a sweater, but mostly picture related gifts and I really love them all. Kathleen also sent me a sweater with "constance" in mind, and I love it too....can't wait to wear it.
The chocolate fountain seemed to be a great hit, and there was talk of it coming back again next year. The ham and scalloped potato dinner at Bill and Kims hit the spot, the soup and salads at Jimbo and Ann's were great too, Panara makes great soup!!! And the appetizers that Carrie and Jason made started the eating frenzie perfectly. We were all so hungary to start the day, but all left stuffed by 10 p.m. Lots of pictures got taken and I can't wait to see all of them.
Throughout the day we missed the Chicago Kiecker's. It was quieter, took less time to open gifts, less houses to go to and just a little bit bittersweet! Must get dressed and out of the house....Love and prayers, and a Big Thank You to all!!! m
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