Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Sun is Shining!

The Love of God is with us!  But I talked to Loretta this morning and it's still raining in California, so that probably means more snow.  Loretta's package arrived on Monday night....just in the nick of time, as she only had gotten enough meds from the pharmacy to last till then.  So she was very happy about that.  She also got a good report from her doctor on Monday so was happy about that too!

On the other hand....Ann's dad's surgery wasn't as successful as hoped.  They were able to remove the blockage....but found a lot of cancer and were not able to get it all.  So please please use your power of prayer for Bucky and his family.  Not the kind of news you want to get at Christmas.....but we do know that miracles happen.Who says Bucky can't prove them wrong too!  I was pretty upset when I heard the news yesterday, but as I prayed and thought about it, I reflected on my own situation over the past 15 years, and I became calm....feeling the love of God.  I am sure God's love will be with the Haugen family too.

Yesterday, I was able to exchange some items and then had to rebuy some at other stores as sizes I needed were not available where they were first purchased.  Trying to be careful here and not give away what I bought...people read this!!!  But anyway, now I am totally done with shopping.  Now to finish the wrapping....I'll be working on that I did none yesterday.

Also got a summons yesterday for Jury Duty the end of January....just when I am planning to go to I have asked for a postponement.....hopefully that will happen without begging.  I've asked to postpone till April or May.  I figure I should be done traveling by then....and it won't exactly be cabin weather yet.

Well, must get to that wrapping....keep those prayers coming!  Love and prayers, m

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