Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Forgotten Blog!

I got up late this morning, the first morning alone for a few days, so I took advantage of it.  I then got right to work on the computer and telephone, making arrangements for Judy and my trip to Mayo tomorrow, and then our trip to Wisconsin on Thursday to pick up Loretta.  I got that all arranged and went onto ordering prescription refill and paying some bills, eating lunch, and finally got a email from Judy asking if I'd forgotten the blog, and OMG I had!!

I have a Christmas party this evening with the North Suburban Women's Club, but first have to do some shopping and also meet with my "Frist Friday" friends. I double booked myself for the evening, but FF group meets at 5:30 at Riverdale restuarant, and the other is at 6:30 at Greenhaven Country Club only about another 3 miles down the road.  So I'll do some shopping at Riverdale, have a drink with the FF group and then go on to the Women's Club party. 

Then when I get home, Judy is coming and spending the night with me, as she is driving me down to Mayo in the morning, and we have to leave at 8 a.m....so we figured rather than get up super early and having her drive up here in the morning, it would work better this way.  Then on Thursday we will meet in Richfield at Janets (maybe she will come along) and drive to Annie's restuarant in Colfax to pickup Loretta.  John and Flo have to drive up to Annie's anyway, so we luck out and don't have to drive as far....plus we get to have lunch at Annies....where we were supposed to have that Cousin's Christmas during the storm last weekend.  We have invited Kim Weimer, Loretta's granddaughter who lives near Colfax, to meet us for lunch too. Loretta will get to see her too!  So things are working out pretty well for Loretta.  She has gotten to see a lot of the relatives disspite the weather.

That's my day in a nutshell.  Hope you are having a great day, the sun is shining!!!  Love and prayers, m

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