Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Hope you all are having a very warm and blessed day.  We did manage to break the all time snow record for the month of December and we have 6 more days to make it harder to beat.  But looking out the window makes it really seem like white and pure.

Yesterday I went to the children's service at church.  It was sweet as usual, but watching a little girl two rows in front of us....stole the show....then her baby brother started smiling on his mom's shoulder and we were all smiling back.  The children's choir sang, and Mike and Laura Hannula's little Gracie was in it.  Every now and then she stole a look back at her family and would smile widely too!  I got to see and hug some people I hadn't seen in a long time, including Carol Kline.....Happy Birthday Carol!....and got to sit next to my granddaughters Nicole and Allie.

From church we (Matt and Carol...Doug's folks) went to Doug and Annie's for dinner.  She always makes Lasagna, as I did, and my mom did (good Austrian food).  I don't know why....maybe cause it went a long way for a large group.  Anyway I love the tradition.  After dinner Matthew couldn't wait any longer....he annouced it was present time.....several times....and was so excited when it finally really was "Present Time"!  Oh to be young again!!  We watched as Matthew and the girls took turns opening their gifts, and each time it was Matthews turn he would get so excited....even the PJ's didn't dampen the happiness as they had Buzz Lightyear on them.

Matt and Carol and I got presents too!  Food for our birds!!  Only I have to figure out how to get to my birdfeeder to fill is next to my livingroom window and in about three feet of snow!  I haven't refilled it since the blizzard a few weeks ago.  I may attempt it today though....walking between the house and the's only about five feet from the steps....I think I can make it without packing too much snow in my boots.  The birds will be in their glory.  Hopefully the squirrels won't find it before the birds do.

Today is a quiet day for me.  I will gather a bunch of Christmas mugs and wash them so they are ready for hot chocolate or cider tomorrow nite when we gather at my house for the arrival of Santa.  Sadly only Matthew will be excited about that....hopefully we can Skype the Chicago Kieckers' and Presley will get to see Santa too!  Maybe even sing-a-long a few Christmas Carols.

Hope you all are enjoying your families and this blessed Christmas Day!  Jim, Ann and family have headed for Rochester to spend the day with her dad.  The hospital has reserved a room big enough for all to enjoy the company of Buck.  Please continue to keep them all in your prayers.

Love and prayers, m

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