Friday, December 17, 2010

Loretta's Leaving Today!

Hope she has a good trip home.  But we talked to Michael last night, and he said they were predicting 5 inches of rain by Sunday, so the weather isn't going to be much better there.....well it will be warmer....just a different kind of precipitation.

I will be taking her to the airport in an hour, then I have some errands like going to the post office to mail Kathleen's present....have a prescription to pickup....just a regular refill of my cholesterol med....and then I have a couple of gift certificates to pickup and I'll be done shopping.  I also have a pile of laundry to do...but I have all weekend to do that....while I'm wrapping presents.  Yikes Christmas is next week.

Sharyl and Donny Boes have agreed to drive me to Mayo on Tuesday.....Thank YOU, THANK YOU.  This will be their third trip with me.  Way above the call of duty.  But great neighbors.  They leave next week for Arizona, so I'll lose their generosity for the winter.,  Luckily I have a few other neighbors who stick around and help me out with snowblowing etc.

Last night I slept much better.  My neck didn't bother me till about 4 a.m. when I got up for medicine, and then I was sleeping sound when Loretta knocked on my door at 8 a.m.  Now I have to get dressed and off to the airport.  Driving to Janet's yesterday 35 minutes I did fine....I'm hoping the same for this trip.

Loved the mini Cousins Christmas....after all the cancellations this weekend, we actually got 8 of the 30 or more who planned on being there on Saturday, together.,  Annies pizsa was to die for like we knew!!! Loretta got to see her granddaughter Kim and her husband Tom, and a good time was had by all.

Well I better get dressed and get moving here.  Lots to do.  Love and prayers, m

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