Sunday, December 19, 2010

Looks Like We'll see the Sun Today!

But they are talking about more snow coming in tomorrow.  I'm up early and getting ready to go to church.  Thought I would quickly write before I go.

I got almost all the laundry done, only remade one bed....but I did get my Christmas Cards done....that meant writing and printing 75 letters signing all of them and then addressing, stamping and putting return addresses on.  Oh, and I wrote some personal notes as well.  When I got that done, I started on the wrapping....however, doesn't feel like I even put a dent in that.  I'm sure I will be wrapping all week.

That's what I'll be doing again today after I get back from church.  My neck is still a minor pain during the night....doesn't seem to bother me much while I'm butt was really sore last night after all the wrapping and sitting to do that.  I'll try to do more standing or laying today.

Well must get my shower and dressed for church.  Have a good day.  Love and prayers, m

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