Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Loretta Arrives Today!

and hopefully she will bring some warm weather....although it doesn't seem likely that even the amount she can stuff in her suitcase will help us in the frozen north.  But the sun is shinning and they are planning a slight warm up....must be what Loretta has in her suitcase.

I almost forgot....after St. Nick and St. Ambrose is a Holy day of obligation....Sandi Schieber's birthday!!!  Love ya Sandi...Happy Birthday.

I finished decorating the tree and did some cleaning and laundry yesterday, all before going to card club last night, and I really felt well and not so sore as I was last week.  I really think the antibiotics are working!

Today I have some shopping to do and a little tweeking of the house so I'm ready for the company this evening.  Before they arrive, I have another Christmas party to attend.  My colo-rectal cancer support group.  This one requires a white elephant, and I'm having a hard time deciding which one to wrap.

Last night at Card Club, we had real presents, we each bring 7 little gifts (about a dollar each) and then a bigger one ($10-15) to exchange.  Everyone comes up with cleaver small items and last night was no exception.  I came home with a bag full of wonderful things.  Thank you to all of you.  I know you are reading this.  I also will go searching for the ribbon that Twylla claims they don't make anymore,,,,,there has to be someone making it.  She crocheted us each a necklace out of it, and I'd love to duplicate I will hunt high and low.

Well must get started on this day!  It looks like it will be a good one.  Love and prayers, m

P.S. John the evangelist says, "God is love." Abide in love, live it, and you abide and live in God.   I feel a whole lot of it coming my way!

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