Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful.....well it would be if I had a fireplace....the furnace seems to be a good substitute.  The snow is coming down just like they predicted, and this morning they have predicted that we on the North side of town are going to get the largest numbers of snow.

When I got up around 8 a.m., I walked out to see Loretta sleeping on the couch with the TV blarring....I hope she hasn't been there long, but 45 minutes later she is still sleeping.  She found my spot and blanket works well.  We can't go anywhere anyway!

I've developed a crick in my neck....from laying and proping my self up with that left arm.....must be pinching something.....thought sleeping would help....but it's still there this morning.  You'd think with all the ibuprofen and tylenol I'm taking, it would help.....not so.

I think Loretta and I will bake, wrap presents and stuff like that today....not going to be making any snow angels,  I guess she'll talk me into some more Yatzee....even though she beat me another 5 out of 6 games yesterday.  I did manage to win one BIG.  I got 3 Yatzee's in one game....however, she managed to win all the others.  I couldn't spread the points around.

It actually does look beautiful outside, and I have seen a few cars moving on Foley Blvd. (the main thoroughfare at my corner).  So all is well on the home front!  Love and prayers, stay warm and dry!  m

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