Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Rain has Come!

36 degrees and the precipitation has turned to rain.  The only good I see so far is that it has removed many of the ice cycles from the edge of my roof.  But the snow already looks dirty, and it's gray and damp out.  Not the kind of day that inspires you to get up out of your chair.  One thing sitting in this chair does is gives me a great view of the birds flocking to my feeder.  I think there must have been a dozen chicadees here already this morning, along with a nuthatch and a downy woodpecker.  So that makes me happy.

Yesterday was pretty uneventful, did a few loads of laundry, added up all the miles I've driven to doctor appointments and trips to Mayo....came to over 5000 miles.  Jim and Ann stopped by for a short visit, and to pick up the pants I mended.  Jimbo also helped me find a new belt for my vacuum on the internet which I ordered.  I had gone to Ace Hardware, and they ordered me a belt....but it was about 6 inches too short.  No way Jimbo could stretch it to get it on.  So hopefully it won't take long to the floor really needs a good vacuuming. 

As soon as they left, Annie called and needed me to run to her house and find some pizza's in her car and take them down to the freezer.  Which I did....funny I got down to the laundry room where the freezer is, but couldn't find the light switch, so I stepped back out into the hall, to see the phone so I could call Annie, and as soon as I dialed the number I saw the switch on the wall in the hall.  I hung up quickly and made my way to the freezer.  That was the only excitement for the day.

Today will be much the same....oh....I did get some good news in the mail yesterday.  The Court system has granted my request to postpone my jury duty till April 4.....and I got a raise on my state pension plan.  Whoopee.....about $25 extra dollars a month.

Bucky seems to be recovering from his surgery, and is enjoying all the company that can now that he is back home.  It sounds like a steady stream of well wishers.  Gods love is surrounding him.  Please keep the thoughts and prayers going his way.

Well, I better get out of this chair and do something...maybe even take a shower and get dressed.  Love and prayers, m

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