Friday, November 19, 2010

Still no Sun

I don't know where it is....hopefully it will be back soon.  Even without the sun, the doctor I saw yesterday thought I looked wonderful!  Especially after all they did to me.  He gave me a copy of the pathology report and it had a blow by blow of everything they did from the moment I got into the operating room till they were done 10 hours's 5 pages filled with the details of the surgery.  I started to read it, and couldn't believe how much they had to do to make me cancer free and able to function for hopefully many years to come.  So I am even more impressed with what a good surgeon Dr. Nelson is, along with her team....I believe she had 4 other doctors in there.  I think they took turns each doing their own thing.  When I thanked her the other day for making me feel so great, she commented that it's her goal to make people better than worse.  I think she accomplished that.  Even with a sore butt the rest of me feels great.

I got 4 phone calls while out at the doctor and shopping yesterday.  I didn't get one call the day before while laying on the couch.  One from a friend who later surprised me with soup and flowers. One from the Mayo to ask a few questions for some research study they are including me in.  One from my dear Aunt Loretta whom I called back when I got home.  She was anxiously awaiting for her daughter Karen to arrive.  Karen had flown home from Switzerland, and will celebrate Thanksgiving with the family for the first time in a long time.  Then while shopping at JoAnn Crafts, Rosie my former boss called.  She thought it was perfect that she called me when I was that is one of our favorite things to do.....I say our, as Rosie and I spent many a lunch hour shopping together, as well as other little trips to shop on our days off.

Today I have yet another doctor's appointment....I'm having my annual physical this afternoon.  I hope to have company this morning.  A friend of Bills who spent a lot of time at our house over the years, but I haven't seen for years.  I also already had a call from cousin Tina.  She was wondering who all was going to the Cousins Christmas in Wisconsin in a few weeks.  When I told her that Aunt Loretta was coming she was really excited.  I think it's going to be a great party.

Well I think I'll return to the couch and wait for company to appear.  Love and prayers, m

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