Hi, I had a good day yesterday, lunch out with June and her husband Len, and then some good visiting back at home, shopping for Emily's birthday gift, and then the Colo-rectal Cancer Support Group. So a big day for me....and I made it without to much discomfort.
The support group was good, it was a small group last nite of only eight, but I think that made it even better. All that were there had been there the other 3 or 4 times I attended, so I felt like I knew them already. It gave me a chance to find out that I'm doing really well for just having the surgery last month. It being the farthest I had driven the car, gave me a boost of confidence too!
I'm off this morning to a Women's Club breakfast and a demo on making Finnish Coffee Cake.....should be interesting. My friend Jan Ranum is picking me up in about a half hour, so I guess I better get in the shower and get dressed. Love and prayers, m
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