Saturday, November 13, 2010

Here Comes the Snow! and Emily is 17!

Oh Happy Day!  for the snow lovers.....for long as I don't have to go anywhere and can just look out the window at how beautiful it is....I love it.  Sorry for you who have to work in it.  For me it's a winter wonderland!  The little boy across the street is having a ball playing in it.

My oldest granddaughter turns 17 today.  Sadly she is in Chicago, so not able to see this beautiful snow God has sent to celebrate her big event.  I can't believe she is 17.....I can remember her birth as if it was a few years ago.  It was quite a big event, being the first granddaughter and such a big one at that!  We waited days for her to be born, and forced the doctors into taking her C-section.  She is Tom's oldest and  Tom was my that made her special too. Hope she has a great day.

Yesterday was really nothing compared to my Thursday.  I did do my normal three loads of wash, but that was the highlight of my day.  I got my bill from Mayo....a total of $91,000 that I was responsible for only $325. Thank god for insurance.

I have tapered off with the tylenol, and that seems to be going quite well.  I really can't tell any difference, so maybe I don't need it at all.  I have continued to take the ibuprofen every six hours three times a day, and haven't changed that.  I think it is what is doing the most good.

I don't plan on doing anything today cept looking at the snow! Love and prayers, m

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