Thursday, November 18, 2010

No Sun....No Shine!

No sun leaves me moving slow.  I depend on it for my energy.  I amazingly enough slept all night without getting up for the bathroom or pain pills.  So that's the best sign of getting better I have had.  My butt is still sore....what's new?....but over all I feel very well.

Today I am going to see my surgeon who has done my previous surgery and who sent me to the Mayo in the first place.  I don't think there is anything he will do, but get caught up on where I've been and what they did etc.  He asked to follow up with me, so it's not like I think I need to see another doctor.  Tomorrow I get to see my GP at Health Partners, and along with that get my flu shot.  I got the results back already of the blood work they did yesterday, and my overall cholesterol is 149, and my RB is 10.9 up from 9.6 3 weeks after that is going up.  My platelets were 219 (that's normal level) and my potassium was normal and all the other things they checked on.  So I think the physical will go well tomorrow too.

After the doctor this morning, I will do some shopping.  I was going to run errands yesterday, but stayed pretty close to the couch all day.  I can't believe how much sleep it takes to Heal!  I did manage to put another stamp on my granddaughters birthday card, which came back postage due.  But I just carried it to the mailbox and put up the flag....not much exercise.  Feel bad for those Chicago grandkids, William's package went without a Emily's postage due....and Presley s didn't have any mailing problems on the Post Office side, but grandma was late in mailing it.  But if it makes them feel any better, Ann H. and Doug haven't gotten theirs yet either.  I have them setting on the bed in the back bedroom, but we haven't been able to come up with a day when we can get together to celebrate and eat cake.  It may just happen on Thanksgiving.  As the grandkids get older.....the families' lives become busier and busier.

Well off to the shower.  Talk to you and prayers, m

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