I set my alarm for 7 a.m.....but forgot to turn it on in the process. Needless to say I woke up at 7:20 and hit the floor running, as I had a 8 a.m. appointment to have blood drawn for my physical on Friday. It was a fasting draw....didn't have time for breakfast anyway. Got dressed and brushed my teeth and headed out in the cold. After the lab work, I went to Cub to get some oatmeal for my breakfast that I was anxious to eat. So now I've had my breakfast and a sip of coffee, I'm ready to write.
Yesterday, Bonnie and Bob picked me up at the Mermaid, and wisked me down to the Mayo Clinic, while I reclined in the way back. We got down there in plenty time, and we didn't wait too long before I was called in. The doctor and her assistant Kathy, were happy at my progress in healing, but decided to help it along, by cauterizing it. I'm not sure it was an instant help....now have a more bloody discharge, and I'm set back in the pain level too! So back to my tylenol/ibuprofen regiment, and the couch!
I do need to run a few errands today, but it will mostly be spent on the couch. Then tomorrow I am going to see the HP Surgeon who referred me to Mayo, for a follow-up.....and on Friday I'm having my yearly physical and flu shot. I was supposed to see my oncologist at the HHH Cancer Center next Monday, but Dr. Nelson wants to see me back in Rochester next Monday morning, so I guess I'll have to make a call and change that. I was really hoping I'd be done with Rochester visits for a while, but as long as my butt isn't totally healed I guess I'll have to continue the trips. Bonnie and Bob have already volunteered to take me down again next Monday, so I am thankful for that. I also asked Dr. Nelson if I could transfer back to the city with my oncologist and not return in January for a CTscan, and she recommended I continue to come down, as they have the most recent CTscans to compare with. So I guess I will follow her advice.
So that's the update for now. love and prayers, m
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