Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Off to Mayo Once Again

I have a 1:30 p.m. appointment today, which means I leave home at 11:10....meeting Bonnie and Bob at 11:30 and then riding with them to Rochester, seeing the doctor for maybe 15-20 minutes, and then having lunch and returning home.  So I should be back just in time for rush hour traffic.  No plans for this evening....but my spot on the couch, watching Biggest Loser.

Last nite I had dinner with my First Friday group at a Mexican restaurant in Coon Rapids, so only had to sit in the car for about 5 minutes.  However, we talked till almost 7 p.m. and I managed to do that without to much problem.  The conversations were great, (varying from politics, religion, cooking and thanksgiving plans) and we figured we've only been meeting for 26 or 27 years, we couldn't exactly pinpoint when we began....but anyway it's been a long time.The numbers of the group have shrunk by about 2 or 3, and we don't all always make it, but the core group goes on.  I've wandered in and out depending on my health, but am always welcomed back and enjoy their friendship a lot.

My bottom is still draining, but I hope that the doctors at Mayo, will turn my care back over to the Coon Rapids doctors at HealthPartners ( a 5 minute drive from home). I have set up appointments to see their surgeon who did all my previous surgery on Thursday and I am having a physical on Friday with my GP and for that I am having labwork early tomorrow morning.  It needs a 12 hour fast, so I scheduled it for 8 a.m.....I'll beable to come home and eat breakfast at a fairly normal time and do my blog.  Then next Monday I have an appointment at HHH Cancer Center, Robinsdale to have my port flushed and see Dr. Londer my oncologist.  So a full week of doctoring....but atleast after today it is all within 20 minutes of home.

Well I must get into the shower so I can get to the Mermaid parking lot by 11:30.  Keep those thoughts and prayers going as I know they are what keeps me going and healing.  Love and prayers, m

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