Saturday, November 20, 2010

Still no Sun and even Colder!

Good Morning, slept in a little again this morning, and not moving too fast.  Went out last evening....the colleges "Legacy Dinner" for the foundation.  It was fun....but you know....sitting for 3 plus hours was a problem....but I did it!!  I squirmed and twitched and moved from cheek to cheek....took a few pills....twisted and turned some more and finally it was time to stand-up.  I spent the last 1/2 hour standing and visiting.  Luckily I was seated all evening with a few retiree's and their husbands, so the conversations and speakers made it a great evening all in all.  They also knew why I was squirming in my chair so I had lots of sympathy.  Being such a people person and having so many to talk to went a long way to muffle the butt!

I saw the GP at Health Partners yesterday afternoon too.  I got my flu shot, and he went over my blood tests and determined my cholesterol was doing so well that he cut my doze of simvastation in half.  He reaffirmed my decision not to have a mamogram as I was probably glowing after all my CT scans, X-rays, Radiation treatments and I won't have one this year.  My red blood count is coming back up, so all is well there too. 

Did some shopping again yesterday after seeing the doctor, and picked up a few more stocking stuffers and presents....but really need a list form all the family....the older they get the harder it is....adults and grandkids alike.  I've pretty much finished shopping for all except family.  Even got some stocking stuffers for them too.  This may not seem unusual to you, but I normally don't buy anything till the day after thanksgiving.  Then we shop till we drop....which I probably will do anyway.....cept I may drop a lot sooner than usual.  So I've started to pick things up a little at a time.  Can you believe some stores are openning at 3 and 4 a.m.?

Today I need to grocery shop and get that turkey for Thanksgiving.  May checkout Bachmanns for some pine boughs and other greenerie to decorate the pots outside too....before it gets any colder.  Other than that I'm pretty much home-bound today.  Trying to get some dates nailed down for a few Holiday gatherings by email...but haven't come up with any yet.  Need to start planning parties and food.  Got to get that calendar filled in.  Back to the couch for now!!!  Love and prayers, m

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