Sunday, November 14, 2010

Snow here yesterday and almost gone today!

We got about 9 inches of snow yesterday, and their still are some wayward flakes floating to the ground, but it is also melting fast.  It sure got me in the mood for the holidays.  I'm late in writing this today, as I started the day by oversleeping, and just having enough time for a shower before church.  Then my dear friends Patty and Denis Tkach took me out for breakfast.  Spent a lot of time catching up with them as it seems like months since I've seen them.  I'm sure it has been months.

After breakfast, since I was close, I stopped at Menards and bought 2 new artificial for the basement, and one for upstairs.....this is the first year I won't have a real tree in the house for Christmas....I have this nagging feeling that my allergies to the tree is what caused all the spots on my lungs last winter.  I may be all wrong, but I'm not taking any chances.  I'll still put my real tinsel on the tree and all my special ornaments I've used for every Christmas since I got married in 1962.  The same nativity scene too!  I'm sorta sentimental that way.

Snow on the table on my patio!
Yesterday I never got out of my pjs....just watched it snow all day.  I did get some company...Annie, Nicole and Matthew....cause the snow had taken out their power in their neighborhood.  Nicole had a hockey potluck to go to last night, so they needed to come over and cook at my house.  They also plugged in all their phones and Matthews DVD player so they'd have some power when they went back home.  Hope it came back on before they went to bed.  I talked to a lady from my side of town who was still out of power since yesterday at 2 p.m. and they told her it might not be on till later this evening.  Luckily I was warm and with power all through the snow.

I am looking for a volunteer to drive me back to Mayo (hopefully for the last time this year) on Tuesday mid-day.  I think I need to be down their around 1 p.m. so I will need to leave Coon Rapids around 10:30 or 10:45.  I am willing to let you use my car and gas....just don't think I can sit up and drive that far myself.  I'd call and ask someone....but feel I don't want to wear out my welcome! I've had to make so many trips to Mayo and have had so many of you help in that area several times.  So if one of you is willing to volunteer one more time, I'd really appreciate it.

Spending the rest of the day watching football.  Love and prayers, m

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