Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcome Sunshine in my Window

The sun is shining and there is a promise of a beautiful day.  For some reason I was awake in the middle of the night, but then I fell a sleep and didn't wake up til 9 a.m.  So that is why I'm writing late this morning.  I must have needed the sleep, and I feel great.  Sitting is still a problem, I wonder when it will be better?

Today I will go and vote, and be so thankful not to have to see those political ads of the TV anymore....till the next election. This will be my first try at driving the car.  But it's just a mile from home, so I think I can handle that. Then this evening I am attempting to go to card club.  I have LaVonne Kulseth picking me up, along with a bunch of others, and then when we get to Lois's in Anoka we will spread out to two car loads to head for Elk River and Twylla Prather's place. Wish me luck!

My body seems to be getting back to normal (cept for my butt).  I've continued to keep my weight, the antibiotics haven't caused any diarrhea.  So that hasn't been a problem....but my butt continues to drain a clear liquid off and on.  Wish it would come to an end....or stop.   It's time for my shower, so I'll write again tomorrow.  Love and prayers, m

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