Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Gene!

Gene would have been 76 today....and it's been almost 5 years since he died. Can't believe that! Sorry to say no sunshine yet!
I had a much better day yesterday. I showered and got dressed and ran some, groceries and dropped off my "chances are" donation for the NSWC brunch. So feeling pretty good about all that. My back wasn't aching like it did the day before, I seemed to have energy again and even did some laundry and a few other mundane things like organized my scarves in my closet. I've decided that I better not buy anymore....I have way too many already. But I do love wearing them....thank goodness they are in style right now. I think I almost have as many scarves as I have shoes! lol
Today, I am heading for the cabin, and Judy will join me later this afternoon. The sun is supposed to come out later today, and tomorrow is supposed to be even nicer. Just love getting away every now and then...and the cabin is the perfect place to rest and relax. After the beginning of this week, I don't need the rest, and really looking forward to the fun Judy and I have together.
Tomorrow I will be making my mom's poppy strudel for the Sunday Lenten group potluck....and letting Judy watch to see how it's done. I might even let her have a piece. I'm sure I'll have enough to share.
Well I better get things going here or Judy will beat me to the cabin. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bring On the Sun!

Up early this morning and feeling so much better. I couldn't believe how much better I felt when I got out of bed. Then the sun started shining, and I knew why I felt so good....all your prayers brought the Son to me. Thank you for that!
Then I checked my meter reading, and I have now exceeded the 20,000 mark. So I am amazed at that. Thank you all for reading my blog.
Yesterday, I really felt rotten most of the day....did a lot of sleeping....and never even got dressed. Later in the afternoon, I emailed Annie and asked her to bring me some Tylenol, which she did after track practice, but all she could find was a generic of Tylenol PM. I forgot they had pulled all the Tylenol off the shelves last year sometime.
Kathleen emailed that we both had forgotten to acknowledge Mom's birthday on the 27th...sorry mom, I guess I was too sick that day.
This morning I went online to Costco and was able to order Tylenol extra strength, and also some cranberry pills that someone recommended as it's better than drinking the juice cause they don't have the sugar in them. Best part is I didn't have to leave home to get them.
Today I think I'll run to the store and see if I can get the ingredients to make poppy strudel for the Lenten groups potluck on Sunday. Other than that not much planned. I'm thinking of going to the cabin tomorrow and staying till Saturday night. It's supposed to be beautiful on Saturday.
Sonja Driete is being moved to rehab today, and that is a really good sign. So keep the prayers going for her. Other than that I don't have a update to report. Love and Prayers, m

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

No Chemo Yesterday

I woke up not feeling very strong....weak and light headed. I did my blog and took my shower and went back to bed thinking I would just lay there for a few minute...but it turned out to be 1/2 hour and woke up 10 minutes before I was supposed to leave. So I dried my hair and got dressed and when LaVonne knocked on the door, I was just pulling on my pants and had my socks in my hand. So she waited while I finished putting on my socks and shoes. I got to HHH on time, and then proceeded to get my blood work done and it looked okay, they then took my blood pressure which was 121/60 low for me at HHH, but normal. Then my temp was 99.9 a little high, and my pulse was 131 which was really high. I then went to see Dr. Londer and he looked at all the numbers, asked me a few questions, and decided that I was dehydrated, and would not give me chemo....just fluids to hydrate me...and rescheduled the chemo for next Monday.
Judy and I played a couple games of cribbage, an she won both games....and the second one she double skunked me. I decided my cards were sick too! After the fluids were done running into me, Judy and I went to Perkins for lunch and then back to my house. She brought her new Nook, and we played with that for a while, but couldn't accomplish what we wanted to do, so she decided she was going home, so I could take a nap.
I only laid down for a few minutes and the phone rang and it was Aunt Loretta. I talked with her for about 20 minutes or so, and then told her I needed to take a nap, and she let me do that. I must have slept about three hours, as the phone rang again, and it was about 6:30 or so, and it was Annie checking up on me. Asked if I needed her to come and sit with me, but I told her, that I was just going to watch "The Biggest Loser" and then fall asleep again....which I did....woke up again during Jay Leno's show...watched that and a little bit of Jimmy Fallon and then went to bed.
This morning, I think I now also have a sinus infection, and it's affecting my right eye, and my nose is running. I'm feeling a lot better as far as the bladder infection goes. I do now have an appointment to see a urologist next week. Dr. Londer especially recommends this I hope I like her.
I'm supposed to go to lunch with Rosie (my old boss) but I'm still trying to decide if I feel like going out of the house today. It will depend on my eye and how bad I look in a few hours.
No updates on my prayer list, except I ask for special prayers for my cousin Louie who is struggling with MSA (Multiple Systems Atrophy) weakening of use of his arms and legs...his right side is weaker than the left, and he is right handed, so is finding it hard to try to do things with his left hand. He is also in lots of pain through out his whole body. When I read his caringbridge site, I wonder how I can ever complain about any ache or pain I have....he never complains and knows that God is with him all the way.
Love and Prayers, m

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Thank You God for the Son Shine

So nice to wake up to sunshine. I'm sure God sent it especially for my last day of chemo. I keep saying the last chemo, but that won't be unless the CTscan comes out good in April. From there who knows what will happen.
Yesterday as the day went on, I felt worse and back was killing me, and I started running a fever and chills set in. I called the doctor to get some meds, and then took 2 extra strength Tylenol and found a blanket and laid on the couch. The nurse finally called, and I had to go out and get the prescription (this time he gave me 14 days) was freezing out there....I put on about 3 layers....I'm sure it wasn't that cold, but the fever made it seem colder. I took a pill immediately and went back to the couch.
I stayed on the couch almost all evening and then went to bed. I do feel somewhat better this fever, but my back is still sore. I have the neighbor Lavonne driving me over to HHH and dropping me off, and then my cousin Judy will come and sit with me, and then bring me back home. I'm guessing I will go back to the couch and sleep for the rest of the evening.
I got an email from cousin June asking for prayers for her friend Catherine, who was in a car accident and needs three or more surgeries.....please say some prayers for her.
Say some for me and my UTI too. Love and prayers, m

Monday, March 26, 2012

More Rain? More Green Grass!

I got up (bright and early?) this morning, and slept pretty well. I did get up during the night, but after that slept pretty hard. I know that tomorrow night I won't sleep well, so I appreciate those nights that I do. I've had several nights the last week that my RLS has bothered me....I'm pretty sure the Exturba I get weekly during chemo overrides the meds I take for RLS and makes the drugs not work. So I will be happy when this week of chemo is over. I'll then have a break till after my April 18 visit to Mayo.
Yesterday, I got invited to breakfast after church with Tina, John and Deb Bedzinski, and although I see John and Tina weekly at the Lenten Group, I haven't talked to Deb for a long time. So it was a nice visit.
I spent the afternoon getting ready for the Lenten group coming to my house. Those last minute things like running the vacuum and cleaning the bathroom and making sure the kitchen is neat and clean. On Friday I had put out Easter decorations, so I think the house looked pretty good when they came at 6:30 p.m.
When they did arrive, I don't know how, but we started talking about Gene's record collection, and before everyone left for the evening, I gave them a look at it. They were all so impressed with it...and couldn't believe how well organized it is. It was a really fun evening....we did do our discussion about the Sunday readings, and it was some good discussions, but bringing Gene into the evening made it special for me. Gene and I started in this group together in about 2002, so it was nice that he was still part of the group.
Today I have lunch with the ARCC people at Pizza Hut. Nothing else planned except getting my tickets and chances are basket turned in. Oh, and Cecelia Self is having knee replacement surgery at Mayo prayers for her please. That's all for today, Love and Prayers, m

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunny but Normal for March?

Sure....soon as I plant pansies outside my front door, a cold front came through last night. It's the coldest morning in two weeks. But I guess we can't complain about 50's and 60's. Today it is supposed to be sunny, so I am happy about that. The grass I have growing in my kitchen already needs to be mowed and it took only one week to get it that way.
I had a really good day yesterday. Starting with lunch with Rosie, Bruce and Jim Arnott. Jim and I have a long going Birthday thing, and I have always been the Queen of our club....only because Jim is 4 months younger than me. So yesterday he treated me to lunch for my Birthday. We had good food (Monte Carlo in downtown Mpls) and great conversations lasting better than 2 hours.
From there I headed out to buy some herbs and pansies to plant. I planted an herb garden for indoors, and hopefully can transplant at the cabin in May but for now I'll get the use of them in my kitchen. The pansies are pretty hardy, I planted them in a container outside my front door, so I'm not worried about them being outside.
At 6 p.m., I headed to Bill and Kim's for Katie's birthday party. I finally got to see all the family and grandkids (minus the Chicago crew) for the first time since the middle of February. Kim's sister Kari and her husband, and her brother Karl and his family were there as well. Katie and Ani (there exchange student) have been invited to prom, so earlier in the day they went dress shopping, and we got to see them model their dresses. All in all it was a fun evening getting caught up on all the happenings in the last month or so.
Today I have church this morning, and this evening the Lenten group will meet here, so I will have a little picking up to do before that, but I'm pretty much ready for them. I do have to look over the readings and questions for discussion too.
Don't have any updates on the prayer list, but ask that you continue to pray for those I have on my list and any others I've asked for prayers for. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Hoping that the sun will shine through soon. You know me and the sun....I feel so much better when it is shining!! Waiting for the sun!!
I worked really hard all day yesterday getting the house ready for company tomorrow night. I went through the plants in the corners of the kitchen and cut out all the dead and watered them good, so they are looking pretty nice this morning. I scrubbed the floor and dusted all the surfaces and then brought out the Easter decor and it's now looking pretty nice in there.
I have big plans for today....lunch with Rosie and Bruce Mortenson, along with Jim Arnott, who was an instructor for a lot of Credit Business Seminars we offered at ARCC. Three of us are retired sorta, but Jim is still working, and is now at Mayo Clinic, and I've been lucky enough to have lunch and dinner with him when I was there a lot. Looking forward to lunch today.
Then this evening, I will be going to Bill and Kim's for Katies Birthday party. Her birthday was really on March 2, but I was gone and then they were gone, and finally I think everyone is home and will be there tonight. I'm excited about that too, cause I haven't seen any of the family other than Bill for over a month. I can't believe it's been that long, cause I usually see everyone about weekly. Sometimes more than that depending on what season. Lot's of sporting events always gives me more chances to see the kids.
I heard from Lottie this morning, and she had her last chemo yesterday, and is doing well. So happy for her. Hoping to have lunch with her soon. So another thank you God for listening to our prayers.
I got my papers in the mail yesterday from Mayo, and all is set for CTscan on April 18, and appointment with a new oncologist Dr. Reuben. I lost my oncologist when he moved to Holland, so am interested to meet Dr. Reuben....and see what he has planned for me.
That's all for now, Love and Prayers, m

Friday, March 23, 2012

Tired of the Rain...Waiting for the Sun

I can't deny that the green grass, and everything is budding out so early....I even got to see that the ice is out on Sylvia!!! would all look better with the sun shining on it!!
I did get to the cabin yesterday, and saw for myself that the ice is out....was just there on Saturday and it wasn't, but sometime between then and yesterday it all disappeared. Didn't stay long at the cabin....ate my lunch, put away the laundry I was returning, turned the heat down again, and fed the birds.
Last Saturday at the craft show I bought a new container for suet, and also they sold me a bag of thread, yarn and dryer lint, to put in it to give the birds nesting stuff. So I have that hung and am anxious to see if the birds use it. So far it doesn't look like it has been used, but I think it is a little early for building nests....but those birds will be coming North soon.
Judy came up around 3 p.m. and we waited for Val to come, and then left for Gabes (near the fair grounds and Como park. The trick was getting there. I knew where it was, and had looked up a map of the area, and planned my route, but in talking I got distracted and missed my turn on energy park drive, and took another turn after crossing a large group of railroad tracks, and then started getting extremely lost...and finally stopped and put on the GPS. It turned out that we weren't far from the right place, but had been headed in the wrong direction. So once turned around, we got there in a matter of minutes. Luckily the restaurant was not too busy when we finally got there, and were able to order and get our food in good order. The food was very good, and we had an enjoyable evening.
No big plans for today, slept in till 8 a.m., and then proceeded to do some computer stuff, like bill paying, and reading email etc. so that's why this is a little later than normal.
I did read a long caringbridge entry from my cousin Louie who spent the last day in the Hospital after an episode with afib!! But he is back home and things are as well as can be expected with the Multiple Systems Atrophy. I also heard an update on Sonja Driste, and sounds like she is doing well under the circumstances too! She has to lay flat in bed, but can't lay on her back, so she is rolled from side to side every two hours. Sounds like hell to me, but they are pleased at how well she is doing. She will be in the hospital for as long as three weeks, and still is not allowed any visitors other than immediate family. Wow, it makes me think what I went through was nothing compared to either of these two. Please keep the prayers coming for both of them, as well as the others on my list....and those I've forgotten to list! Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Enough of the Rain, Where is the Sun?

I'll take just a few sights of sun! I know the Son is here, but I always like that warm reminder.
Yesterday I delivered Meals on Wheels, and went and had a Chinese Massage, that I had found a coupon for, and really thought my back needed it. It was probably the best massage I've had in my life. I guess it was a combination of Chinese, Thai and something else. It really helped my back and I'll definitely go back and have another when I can afford it...or find another coupon.
Got the name tags of the members done for the Brunch....and the grass pots are really doing well...the grass is about an inch tall. I can't believe how fast it came up. The seeds did say fast growing....but I thought it would take a few weeks.
This morning, I plan on going up to the cabin and returning the laundry I brought home, take up some pictures of mom that I framed, and pick up my new scarf I forgot up there and some groceries I left on Saturday. It will be a quick trip, hoping to see if the ice is out on the lake yet too! Don't think it would be a record, but the normal ice out is about the 12th of April.
I got a report on the traffic on this blog this morning, and I'm getting really close to 20,000 visits. I really have a hard time believing anyone reads this stuff at all, much less comes back day after day to read it. For me, it is really therapeutic. It gives me a chance to write my fears and hopes, my wishes, my thank you's, my coming and going's, my aches and pains, my request for prayer and my love for all of you. Thank you for caring enough to read this everyday...or whenever you have a chance.
Tonight I'm going to dinner with Val Knight and my cousin Judy. I have a $25 certificate from for Gabes and needed more than one to help use it. Hope it is good food, I know the company will be. That's all for today, love and prayers, m

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

More Rain?

Where was this moisture when we were looking for snow? The bushes are budding out and the grass really is getting green. I can see a Cardinal high in the neighbors tree and birds are coming to my feeder. So I believe the calendar...Spring has Sprung!!
Yesterday went well, I had an infusion of my Exturba, and then an orientation for Pathways in South Mpls at 2:30....I was worried I wouldn't make it, but it all worked out and I got there with plenty of time to spare.
I'm so impressed with Pathways, I can take classes, get massages, Reiki, yoga, qigong etc. and all is free. The building has rooms I could use for meditation, a library for reading, an art room with everything I would want to paint and even sand tables to make a scene to express my feelings. I got to come home to browse the schedule and pick out about a dozen things I'd like to do in the next month. But now I have to wait and see which I get. I also got to put my name on a waiting list for acupuncture....I'm guessing that won't happen, but we'll see.
I forgot to ask you for prayers for a couple of families yesterday...I won't tell you their names, but know that they could really use some prayers. One sent me a card telling me how they have been praying for me and supporting me in my struggles, but have also been going through some things this winter that they would like some prayers for. I hope you know how much all your prayers mean to me, and feel your support everyday. God's blessings are showered down on me through each of you....and I'm sure that happens for all those I'm praying for too.
Today I will deliver Meals On Wheels at noon, and then I guess I'll work on cleaning the house for Sunday when the Lenten Group meets at my house....also have some laundry to do, stuff I brought home from the cabin, so I can take it back up with me.
That's all for and prayers, m

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

March Showers Bring?

April showers bring May what does March showers bring? Green Grass? It sure looks green out my window this morning.
It also has made my arthritis in my hips flare up....I even got up and took a pain pill during the night...first time in months....I did sleep well after that.
Spent all day yesterday messing around with my old computer that Phil put a new hard drive in and lots more memory...but had wiped out a lot of music from Gene's ipod, so I restored it from a backup I had made a year ago....and that took almost 6 hours to do, then Windows was still giving me problems, and I worked at figuring out what fixes, and scans I needed to get it to work properly, and in the end...after more hours of was the time and date on the computer that needed to be reset. How easy was that....then I couldn't get itunes to recognize my ipod....and I needed to unload and reload itunes to get that to about 10 p.m. last night I think I finally got it all to work. Computers!!!! Ughhhhh! But I do have Gene's music.
Today, I have to go get my infusion of Erbitux, and also pick up some prescriptions I refilled, and then off to Pathways, for a Orientation session. Pathways is a place I will be able to get Qigong, Reiki, Yoga, etc. free. It is for persons with life-threatening illnesses. So I'm excited about that. They encourage you to attend something every week.
I got an email from lifelong friend Linda Zimmer yesterday letting me know that Don Fournier another friend of Holy Name grade school days, has been diagnosed with stage 1 Parkinson's, so please add him to your prayers. Jim Zimmer is also recovering well from his extensive back surgery he had this winter, and Linda replies he is even smiling again!!! So I'll add another answer to our prayers well as a big Thank You God for that!!! Also in the thank you's, Lori Haugen got a good clean report back too!
Don't have much else to report....Oh, I did get an appointment at Mayo for my CT scan on April 18, so hopefully the spots will all be gone. Prayers Please!!! Love and praryers, m

Monday, March 19, 2012

Have Stranger Things Happened?

At church yesterday, kids were wearing shorts, sandals were seen on several people, and a rather summer like attire was flaunted throughout the church. The temp in my car showed 82 later in the day, however, the official record for Mpls was only 79 I believe. Very unlike March weather in Minnesota.
I got a lot done yesterday...was rather busy....went to breakfast with Gary and Carolyn Buhr after church, then came home and read the paper and got organized with coupons etc. to do some power shopping.
The NSWC has us donate an item for "Chances Are" and I have decided to put together a basket of things for the Teen girls that attend. So between Michael's, Bath and Body, Target and Kohls, I think I have picked up everything I need to fill a basket. Then I also did some grocery shopping....just a little....really only needed to pick up about 4 things....and got out of the story with just over $20 worth of stuff.
After shopping I came home and proceeded to plant 100 little pots of grass for the brunch as well. They will be part of the centerpieces on the tables. Sure hope it works!! I'll be in big trouble if it doesn't. Now I have a kitchen table covered with black plastic and all these grass pots covered with Saran wrap.
Then while gathering shoes for a donation through our Lenten group, and a bag of clothes for Courage Center to be picked up this morning, I heard someone at the front door, and it was my son Bill returning my car and picking up his. They had taken my car to Florida for spring break, and left me with their older mini van. So then I talked with him about all that had gone on the last month since we saw each other, and by then it was time for me to leave for my Lenten Study group meeting.
Finally returned home by 9:00 p.m. and had to finish gathering stuff for the courage center pickup. Then kinda just vegged for the rest of the evening.
This morning, I've already gotten a lot done. I ordered refills on prescriptions and then contacted Mayo, and finally got a date and a new doctor to see in April. I think it is April 18 with a Dr. Reuben. My doctor I've always seen, left the Mayo clinic in Dec. and moved to Holland. Hope this new one is as nice as the old one. Whatever he's like, I'm glad to have the appointment set, and hoping the news will be good.
Those I've been requesting prayers for are doing well. But Lottie has asked for prayers for her husband who's leg isn't healing well. I'm not sure what kind of surgery he had, I didn't think it was on a leg, but I'll check that out, and would like prayers for him anyway.
I've got lots more to do today, Love and prayers, m

Sunday, March 18, 2012

If not Summer it must be Spring!!

You won't believe this, but it was only 62 at the cabin yesterday, and kinda misty in the morning, didn't actually see the sun till after dinner...but I guess here in Coon Rapids it was great! We didn't care....we went to the craft show like planned and did some purchasing as well. Then we went to Mary Scheiber's to visit. So glad we was such a fun visit. Lot's of stories about when we were young. I mean a long, long time ago....I'm still young to some people!!
I brought my pressure cooker to the cabin and made us corned beef and cabbage dinner with potatoes and carrots as well. It was the first time I made a dinner in it, but after Gary's cooking school last month when I was there, I was brave enough to do it. It was delicious, if I must say so for myself. Judy loved it too.
Because the sun was shining a little and it was warm, we sat outside after dinner, but before dinner, we did play some more cribbage....but ended up 6 wins for Judy and 5 for me. We were trying to have the first to seven win....but dinner was done, and the sunshine pulled us outside.
It was a great two days, really needed it, even though I had just returned from a 3 week vacation. I'm thinking the late trip home on Monday, the early chemo on Tuesday, and the unpacking and laundry etc, and the Urinary Tract Infection is also at fault. Anyway I loved it.
I heard that Sonja came through both of her surgery's thanks for the prayers for her. Mary Scheiber is recovering remarkably well, and even though she has a few more chemo's left, she looks fantastic. Thank you so much for the prayers for them. I hear that cousin Louie is getting lots of prayers at the conference he is at in Indiana, but is really tired and is coming home today. Pray for a safe trip for him.
Have church some shopping, some filling a bag with clothes for a pick up tomorrow, and then my lenten study group this I better get moving. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Is it Summer Yet!

It is so nice to be at the cabin. Love every minute of it.
Yesterday Judy and I got here about noon, and went straight out to the deck to read some magazines in the sun. We also had lunch out there. What a special day it was. We later ran to town to pick up a few things, and Judy bought me a new outdoor thermometer...the old one was laying on the ground...and when I picked up to rehang it, the thing was full of water. I still tried to hang it, but the brackets on the back were gone as well. So now I have a brand new one thanks to Judy.
We played some cards. Ate some dinner. Plzayed some more cards....talked a lot, and by 10:30 we wereready for bed.
We each won a few cribbage games, but when we switched to gin, she killed me. But maybe today will be my turn. We plan to go to a craft show in Maple Lake this morning, and then surprise Mary Scheiber with a visit, and then return to the cabin for more sun and I'm making corned beef and cabbige for dinner, and then we have to go home.
I heard that Sonja Dreiste came through the first day of surgery went well. Keep praying for that second day today. Thank you God for this beautifull weather you have given us, and for the friend ships we share. Love and prayers, m p.s. sorry fore the typos...I'm doing this on the nook.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Beware the Ides of March!

I don't know if Shakespeare has anything to do with this strange weather we are having, but I'll take it. I have cabin fever, and my cousin Judy and I will go there today!....stay overnight, spend some time in Maple Lake tomorrow with all their St. Patrick's Day festivities. I can hardly wait.
I have almost everything packed except the food, which you wouldn't think would be much....but I've decided to take my pressure cooker and do a beef brisket and boiled dinner of cabbage potatoes and carrots.
I slept well again last night not waking up for 6 hours in a row....however last night while watching TV and working on the computer, my neuropathy in my feet was bothering me for the first time in a long time. For some reason both the neuropathy and the RLS pills seem to be overridden by the chemo....but only the first couple of days after the infusion. So this morning, everything seems to be fine.
Yesterday, I got unplugged for the 5th round of chemo, then headed home to get ready for today, and then went to dinner with my First Friday group....only I got there at 5:30 when they usually meet, and not paying attention to my calendar which said it had been changed to 6:00 this month, but that was a long time ago, and several towns. Anyway I sat by myself for 1/2 hour wondering where everyone was...Kathie didn't answer her phone, and I left a message for her, but Helen had answered my email I sent out earlier, but was the only one who responded to it, and she wasn't going to make I was beginning to think I was going to be the only one there. Then....about 5:50 I decided to look at my calendar one more time....and sure enough I noticed it said 6:00 in large writing! Made me feel a lot better and told the waitress who had been to the table no less than 5 times wondering if I wanted to order anything besides my ice tea....and sure enough almost all of them arrived at 6 p.m. sharply....cept for Chris who was lost....sorta! The food and conversation made up for the 1/2 hour wait, and I went home refreshed and full!
My friend has been in surgery for several hours already (my guess) as she will have a 10 hour surgery today and another tomorrow. So please keep her in your prayers....along with her family.
Lottie Virnig reported how well she is doing, and the warm weather has been a big help with her chemo too.
Cousin Louis is in Indiana at a conference of his community "People of Praise", and seems to be handling the long hours....mostly by the bolstering seeing so many friends and his two daughters.
Nothing else to report. Love and Prayers, m

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Annie!

It's my daughter's birthday, and we are having record high temps, and I have cabin fever! They are predicting 76 for Friday and Saturday both, so Judy and I are going to the cabin tomorrow. Saturday is a parade, craft show, etc. St. Patrick's day celebration in Maple Lake the home of the Irish, so Judy and I will pretend to be Irish and take in the Craft Show if nothing else.
Last night I went to bed earlier and only woke every 2 2, 4, and 6, and finally got out of bed at 7:15 and did my exercises and went to the kitchen for coffee and to take my handful of pills. But I'm feeling great!
I get unplugged today at 11:30, and have dinner with my FF group this evening, so I'll get dressed, and out of the house for sure.
Yesterday, I got a lot done. I did Meals On Wheels picking up my meals at 11:30, and did a route that I am getting really familiar with, so it makes it easy to do. Then I did some shopping, first Costco Gas, then picked up a few items in Costco, then Kohl's, then Cub so I had food to eat in the house. Then I worked my way through some more of the mail, organized my coupons, and added some music to my iPod and some apps for my nook. And put the pictures in an album that I picked up at Costco earlier.
No new additions to the prayer list, thank goodness! Just keep praying for those on the list I handed out yesterday, and say a few for me too! Love and prayers, m

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'm Back!!! and the Sun is Shining

I actually got home late Monday night, and cousin Judy picked me up and took me to her house in Shakopee for the night. Then took me to chemo yesterday and home when that was done. Thank you to Judy for that.
While on the plane Monday night, I started getting chills and was actually shaking, so I figured out I had another urinary track infection. When landing I called and left a message for Judy, that I was sick, and had landed and that I would be at Door 6 in about 1/2 hour. I hadn't realized that I was in row 43, of 44 rows and wouldn't get off the plane for 15 minutes and then had to walk for 20 minutes to get to the baggage carousel....didn't help the way I felt. Luckily by the time I got to carousel 4 my luggage was about the only bag left on I quickly unpacked my winter jacket to warm myself up....and Judy had just pulled up.
Once at Judy's I took my night pills, and Judy only had a Aleve, so I took one of them also. When I got into bed, I got even hotter and really got scared....but finally fell asleep, and only got up once during the night for the bathroom....and right back to sleep.
When at HHH they took my blood draw, temp 100.5, pulse and blood pressure which was again high 160/81, Then I told Dr. Londer I was pretty positive I had another urinary track infection, and he immediately ordered me a antibiotic, which I started taking while having my chemo. Other than that, he thought I looked great, so did my blood work. He always says I look great, and if you didn't know I had cancer and having chemo, you would never guess it. I am handling that part well.
Judy took me home when it was done, and I think I got home about 2 p.m. or a little before. She left me off and went home, so I could sleep. I laid down at 2, and about 10 minutes later the mailman rang the doorbell, and handed me a large bundle of mail. So I looked at that sorting through it, for about 10 minutes, and went back to taking my nap. I woke up at 5 p.m. when the 5 news came on on channel 11. I couldn't figure out what Mike Pomerance was doing on TV, as I couldn't figure out where I was....Sedona....oh that's right I was in Coon Rapids. I took my bundle of mail and started actually opening and sorting into three piles....reading, bills, and filing. Then proceeded to the computer, and spent a long time deleting emails, answering a few, and switching my browser to chrome instead of firefox. I finally at around 7:30, and continued with uploading pictures for facebook and costco and ordered prints. I didn't go to bed till 1 a.m. and then slept for about an hour, and woke up damp from a night sweat which I always get that first night of chemo, and proceeded to was every hour damp as well. Got up at 7:45 a.m.
So this morning, I was adding dates to my calendar, and realized they hadn't scheduled me for my Erbitux infusion. So I now have that done, and I will be delivering Meals on Wheels today at noon. Then have some shopping to do both at Kohls and groceries.
My friend Lottie is doing well and thanks everyone for the prayers. My cousin Judy has scheduled her knee replacement surgery for April 13, and Sonya Drieste's 2-day surgery is actually this Friday and Saturday. Please keep her in yours prayers, they are both 10 hour surgeries. I can't imagine that, mine was 1 10 hour day....that was bad enough!!! Mark Brue's father-in-law Gary Johnson died on Tuesday morning early. So please pray for his family, as many of them have to traveling from out-of-state for his funeral. Nate, my nephew is having a MRI on his back to see what they can do to fix it....a couple of non medical requests so lots of prayers needed. I think that is all the updates and prayer requests I have right now.
Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Sedona Sunshine

I'm in Sedona uuusing my Nook for the first time to do my blog.
This morning we went to one of our favorite places,Red Rock Crossing for a hike, and it was as gorgios as ever. There is a vortex there and lots of carins (rocks piled on top of each other). Tben we came back tothe Village of Oak Creek for a reflexology treatment.It was one hour ofpure blliss.
We have plans to see a flute player on Sat.nite and cousin is coming for lunch. On Sunday we are going to a Sharon Isbin,guitar concert with Joan Biaz and the Sedona C
hamber Music...I can't wait.
We have a couple more hikes planned, and onMondayI head for home. See Facebook for some pictures and more updates.
Pray for Soonya Driste that will have two 10 hour surgery's Fri. And Sat. Love and prayers, m

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Leaving Just In Time!

Snow and rain coming this evening, so I'm glad to be leaving while it's still in the 50's. But no sun this morning and windy. Gary is going for a walk, but I said no thanks! I don't like walking in the wind. Anyway I have to be packed and ready to go by 12 noon when Kathleen is picking me up and taking me to the airport.
Yesterday it was glorious here. 65 degrees, Sunny and little breeze. Gary had some morning meeting and when he returned, he brought ingredients for us to pack a lunch and have a picnic in the garden areas by the Temple.
We walked the half a block down and found a bench in a warm and sunny spot. We stopped along the way to take some pictures of the flower gardens and I have added a couple here for you to see.

The second picture is from the street right in front of Kathleen and Gary's condo, so you can see how close they live. The third picture is of a perigan's nest which he decided to perch on the edge so we could see while eating our picnic lunch and chirped a welcome to us.
After lunch we walked back to the new Mall, (across the street to the West) so I could take some pictures there, but the fountains were off as they were working on one that wasn't completed yet, so I didn't get to take that picture but Gary promised to share his with me.
We did some shopping, and then returned to the condo and shortly thereafter Kathleen was home for the afternoon. Kathleen and I played Onset and I beat her, but before we could play a second, dinner was ready....Gary made some parmasean crusted pork chops and Mint roasted vegetables. Oh my gosh it was all so good. I'm going to go through withdrawal this afternoon without Gary cooking my dinner.
Of course we had to hurry and clean up the dinner dishes, so we could play Kingsburg one last time...and wouldn't you know it Gary won!

Note the smile on his face!!! I did come in a close second! for once....I usually tagged far behind the other two.
Kathleen and I proceeded to watch the end of The Voice and all of Smash, and then we worked on getting some of her pictures uploaded to Costco that she was having trouble doing on her own....but it finally worked.
So it's sadly time to say goodbye, and I can't wait to come back....or at least have them in Minnesota with me. Loved every minute of this relaxing two weeks. I'm afraid I may have gained a few pounds but it was all worth it. Thank you again Kathleen and Gary. Now I'm heading for Sedona, but it will be a long day. I fly out at 2 p.m. but will be at the airport about 12:30 p.m. and then I get into Phoenix at 3:40 and don't get on the Shuttle till 6 p.m. and then don't get to The Village of Oak Creek where Bonnie is till 9 p.m. tonight.
So for the next week, my entries might be spotty. I'll try to do some facebook entries for sure, and I will go to the library or the clubhouse where they have wifi and write at least once or twice. But don't look for me each morning....Sorry!! Love and prayers, m

Monday, March 5, 2012

Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What A Beautiful Day!

I've got a wonderful feeling everything's going my way!!!
Slept great not waking till 6:20 a.m. and then went back to sleep after going to the bathroom and didn't wake up till 7:45 a.m. I've really been sleeping well here....have not had one night that I laid awake wishing and praying to fall a sleep. I wake refreshed and ready to go.
Yesterday, we started the day by going to a Chinese Restaurant in the West Valley area....a ways from Downtown....but worth the trip. We had what they call Dim Sum, and it is kind of a buffet style meal, only you don't leave your table, they come around with carts of food, and you pick what you want. Most things came with three of what ever we picked, so each of us could have one to taste....except for Chinese broccoli which was a plate of several stalks and was more than a serving for each of us. We must have had 10 or 12 items during the course of the meal, and it was served with hot tea as well. I don't know of any restaurant in MN that does this, but will be looking to find one. It was very authentic Chinese cooking, and the food was great. Gary says he likes to try something new each time he comes, plus a few of his favorites. I loved it all. From there we went to the storage unit where they store their camper van, and found Gary's camera, and they had a chance to check on some other things. So we were then on our way home.
Once we got back to the condo, we didn't spend much time before we headed out to walk around the new City Creek Shopping Mall. It isn't complete, and lots of areas are fenced off, but we still got to peak in a lot of windows, and walk through some of the outdoor plaza's and fountains. Gary had his camera and took lots of great pictures, along with those of the flowers around the temple....but my battery was dead in my camera, so my pictures will have to be taken this afternoon, when Gary and I go back.
After that, we came back to the condo and Kathleen and I started a Cribbage tournament, who ever reached 7 wins first, won. Well it was Kathleen, but we both skunked each other once, and we were neck and neck and I actually was a head by two at one time, and then in the last game we were both tied at 6 wins a piece, and only because Kathleen got to count first did she win. Congrats Kathleen, it was a well fought win.
Gary made us a great dinner of roasted and grilled beets (red and gold) with this great vinaigrette dressing with walnuts in it, and sprinkled with feta cheese. Yum Yum, I cleaned my plate. I'm really going to miss having someone prepare my meals for me.
All afternoon Kathleen was in the process of making a batch of granola, and I got to help and follow along with the process, so now I think I can do it myself at home. I've eaten it most mornings here in SLC, and I really love it. She used Splenda brown sugar and no sugar added applesauce and sugar free maple syrup, so it is good for you, and even though the grains and fruit added are not low calorie, they are good calories.
After dinner we pulled out Kingsburg so Gary could play a game with us, and Gary is desperate to win one, but again for the 3rd time Kathleen won the game. Just boggling Gary's mind. So tonite the last nite I'm here, we will again play think he'll win?
Gary and Kathleen are both gone right now, Kathleen to work, and Gary to pick up a case from a client, but when Gary gets back, we will go back to the temple gardens and the new Mall so I can take pictures with my camera and will share with you a few tomorrow before I leave SLC.
I'm really going to miss both Kathleen and Gary, and have loved being here. Thank You, Thank You for your generosity, love, game playing, as well as the concert, movies, books you downloaded for me, the book clubs and the Reiki and all the other fun things you arranged for me. I'll be back soon! Love and prayers, m

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Sunny Sunny Day!

Beautiful day in Salt Lake City, going to be warm and wonderful!
Yesterday was a good day, Kathleen and I started out by watching the movie "Water for Elephants" and enjoyed that a lot. Then after lunch we headed up to the Museum of Natural History, it has only been open a couple of months and it was spectacular. The building is amazing, the displays and interactive posts were great and kids were enjoying them every where you looked. I think you could walk through this place 10 times and see something you missed the time before. So glad we finally got there.
After that, Kathleen and I went to Trolley Square as she wanted to show me a couple of stores she really likes. When we got there one of the stores was gone, along with 2/3's of the businesses there are. I was shocked, as it was a thriving place to shop and be years ago. Actually they have added several buildings with space for lots of shops, that have never been filled. I don't know if its because of the down turn in the economy we took a couple of years back, or if it's that the new City Creek Shopping Mall is opening in a few weeks. Anyway from there we did some grocery shopping, and headed home.
We had dinner and then headed up to Ogden (not Logan) for a Friends of Ogden Acoustic Music, concert. Fred Eaglesmith and his band of several (5) great vocal and talented musicians. The evening was very enjoyable, and Fred told lots of jokes in between a folksy, conglomerate of music pieces. I really couldn't categorize him as country, or folk, or blues, or jazz, he and his band are a combination of all of it.
We got home late, and I read the end of my book and went to bed.
Today we are going to a Chinese resturant for brunch...or Dim Sum...and don't know what the plans are for the afternoon. I think we may walk around the new City Creek Mall which is a block away from their condo, peek in some windows and see what it looks like inside. The City Creek looks like the it is running through the inside. Anxious to see it, but it doesn't officially open till the 23rd I think. Other than that, I guess I have no news to report. Love and prayers, m

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Sun is Gonna Warm Us Up Today!

It's supposed to get a little warmer everyday from now till Tuesday when I leave topping out at about 60. I hope Sedona is following suit. I haven't checked the weather there yet.
Yesterday didn't quite go as I thought it was going to. It kept changing all day. Kathleen and I headed out early for my 1:30 Reiki appointment, so I could go to Walgreens to get a prescription filled. The only one they couldn't get to me before I left for vacation. The doctor had to order it as it didn't have a refill, and this one only said it could be filled once. Anyway, Walgreens said it was going to take more than 20 minutes, so we told them that we would come back later. So we did a little shopping there, and then went to Angela's home where she does the Reiki. Kathleen came in and left me there and I don't know what she did for the next hour, but returned and was so quiet that no one in the house (Angela, me or her husband) knew that she had returned and was sitting in the living room reading a book. So when Angela was done with the Reiki, she left the room to get me a glass of water, not seeing Kathleen and Kathleen not seeing her or maybe she wasn't back yet....Angela and I started talking and I kinda told her my whole medical story as well as stuff about my family and other small talk for about another 1/2 hour or so, and we finally decided to check on Kathleen and low and behold there she was waiting for us. So then her husband joined the group and we stayed there visiting for at least another 1/2 hour or more. So by the time we left her house there wasn't time to go to the Museum, pick up my drugs and have dinner and get to the theater by 7 p.m. So we skipped the Museum and will try it again today. We did however do all the other things I just listed.
Dinner got changed from Gary making to us going to a Mexican Market, that has a small cafe attached to it....well right in it...barely room for 3 small tables that hold 2 each, and a bar that has about 6 chairs...and next to the tables on one side is the aisles of groceries and at the far end is the meat counter. We had some great taco's, rice and beans. I wouldn't mind going back there for more, but I don't think we have time to do all the things Kathleen has planned the way it is.
From there we went to a Theater for a movie that the Salt Lake City Arts Council was showing. It was called "Pina" and was about a German woman who choreagraphed dances about life and made them into a movie but never lived to see the movie...throughout the dancers would comment on the pieces that they had danced or on Pina and how she encouraged them to dance and be better at what they were doing. The music and dancing was extraordinary, and we all loved it. I had one part I wasn't fond of, but both Kathleen and Gary liked....other than that we all agreed.
We got home about 9 or so, and again played 3 rounds of Cut Throat. I ended up losing and drawing twice, but Kathleen also had to draw once to Gary's amusement. So he might have gone to bed smiling last night.
Today we have plans to go to the Museum again, and also a concert of sorts, an acoustic guitar and singer that is playing in a small venue of about 200 seats. It is someone that Kathleen and Gary have heard before and really it should be good. It is up in Logan, just North of SLC, and we haven't decided if we will go up early and walk around town, and have dinner there, or just have dinner here and then drive up. So I'll tell you all about that tomorrow.
Did I tell you that Lottie went home from the Hospital on Wednesday, and she had her 5th round of chemo has only one to go on the 23rd of March. Please keep her and my cousin Louis who had his last OT and PT session yesterday and seems to have declining strength on his right side do to the Multiple Systems Atrophy. Also I heard that Roger Freeman, the head of the
Building and Maintenance departments at the college had a TIA, but is doing well on vacation in Florida. So keep those prayers coming. Love and prayers, m

Friday, March 2, 2012

Katie Kiecker is Sixteen today!

Happy Birthday Katie.
It's sunny but cold and the wind looks pretty strong according to the flag flying below my window. The ground is now covered with snow as it snowed off and on all day yesterday, and again some last night. But the sidewalks and streets look pretty dry. They didn't have snowplows out like in MN, it just melts on the hard surface's.
Today Kathleen and I are going to the Utah Museum of Natural History...but before that, I am going to a friend of Kathleens for a Raichi session. Should be great.
Yesterday Kathleen still had to work (she works M-Th) so Gary and I worked at copying ebooks he had onto my Nook....about 75 or so. So I now have a great library to choose from. And then he added about 6 or 7 audio books to my ipod. I now have enough reading and listening to last me about 5 years...although now that I have it....I may get them all read in about 3 or 4....who knows. I also spent a lot of time reading my Nook book "Unbroken" only about 2/3's of the way through. But really interesting and exciting at times.
Last night Kathleen and I went out for dinner at a local BBQ joint...and it was just that...although lots of people had recommended it to Kathleen, we weren't impressed, and the bathrooms were dirty....the ribs were well done, but the BBQ sauces weren't anything special at all. She won't go back there or recommend it to anyone else.
From there we went to a women's book study group....only a little different than a book club...they are mostly health type books and only read and discuss one or two chapters per month. It was a very interesting group of women which I totally enjoyed being with, and I had read the 20 pages of the book, and was able to make some comments of my own, and I think was well received by the group of women. One of the women, was Angela a really close friend of Kathleen's, and she is the one who has offered to do Reiki on me this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to that experience. I've only went to a Reiki experience that was free in Sedona last year, and it was a large group of people that got to participate in groups of about 6, so your time actually having Reiki done on you was very short, and I'm sure the experience today with a private session with one on one attention will be much greater. I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
Mixed in between leaving for dinner and going to bed, Kathleen played Onset with Gary and beat him 3 out of 5 games, and then when we got back home we all played Cut Throat and Gary lost all three rounds. I won one, Kathleen won two, and Gary had to draw pictures for each of us being the lowest each game. I was the lowest on the other game that Kathleen won, so I had to draw the picture she requested, and it was one of her as a little girl. I had Gary draw a Moose for me, and neither Kathleen or I could tell which were the antler and which was the head...both of us guessed wrong. Gary also had to draw for Kathleen, and that was a picture of himself losing, and he drew a noose around his neck. He hates to lose and lost all day. He was done for the night after that and we all went to bed. Kathleen and I with smiles on our faces! Gary not so much!!
No health updates for today....I'm doing well, sleeping well and only getting up once or twice a night since I got here, except for the first night, when I think I got up three times. But it seems I've settled into a pattern of waking about 3:30 a.m. and then again at about 5:15 and then getting up for the day at about 7:15. That was my experience last night too! So all is well, Love and prayers, m

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Maybe Some Sun

It may snow again today, but I doubt nothing like yesterday. As I was sitting in the living room reading, a loud ferocious wind came up and along with it blinding snow. The wind whistled across the balcony and the chairs rattled and bumped against the glass. It was scary for a little while, but then it calmed down a bit, but continued to snow and blow all afternoon and evening, leaving a pile of wet snow on the ground...although most of the streets were just wet or a bit slushy.
I spent most of the day reading, as Gary had a business meeting, and I put my headphones on and listened to my new ipod and read. The book is really getting interesting, so it kept my attention most of the day.
Gary fixed several leftovers for dinner as Kathleen came home late and we had plans to go to the book club and discuss Dr. Zhivago at 7:00 p.m. We ate fast and left in the snow to a home just a couple of doors down from a home Kathleen lived in, when they first moved to SLC. It was near the University where her husband taught.
The women who was hosting was a Russian women and had wonderful stories about living in that inner circle of Moscow, and knowing many who had survived the revolution. But shortly into the discussion, Gary started getting an asthma attack and we needed to leave. Once outside he felt much better and we proceeded back to the condo. I'm sure the rest of the conversation and discussion would have been fascinating, but the background and insite the women had given while we were there was plenty for thought.... at least for me. Just watching the movie was interesting...I had seen it when it was first released, but I didn't remember anything but the snow and the music. I learned a lot from the movie and the short book club discussion.
Today, Gary will load some books for me onto my new Nook, and this evening, Kathleen and I are going to a women's group and discuss 20 pages of a book, that Kathleen had me read yesterday too, so that I can join in the discussion. It was about therapy for people in pain, life threatening illness and depression. I agreed with some of the stuff I read, but I am such a Pollyanna, that it really didn't pertain to me, and some of the methods sounded absurd to me. The discussion this evening should be interesting.
Lori Haugen (Ann's sister) came through her surgery with flying colors. The doctor saw no signs of any cancer, and left her ovaries. They still have to wait for the pathology report in a few days, but everything looked good. So thank you all for your prayers....another prayer answered! Thank You God!!
Off to another great day in SLC. Love and Prayers, m