Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 3, Unplug

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood! The sun is shining and I slept well last night. I worked hard yesterday, and got a lot done. The funeral was at 11 a.m., and I was working hard before I left....emptied the dishwasher and refilled it, gathered all the laundry and finally had it all washed and put away by about 10 p.m. last night. Gathered all I am taking to Boston, and you know that may change by the time it gets into the suitcase this afternoon. I did go to the funeral, and the nice lunch after, it was well attended by lots of college folks and then as long as I was passing Riverdale on my way home I stopped at Kohls to take advantage of my 30% off coupon, and was able to get a Graduation gift for Emily (oldest granddaughter), Kim, my daughter-in-law's birthday next week, and then over at Old Navy I picked up a few things for myself, as I had a $15 gift coupon from them, and also a 15% coupon, so I also got somethings for Tom's birthday the end of the month. Bill and Kim had given me a gift card for Kohl's also, so I picked up a beautiful cotton knit Vera Wang sweater...that I wouldn't have bought for myself with out the gift card. I plan on wearing that Friday night in Boston, I had already picked something out for Saturday at the wedding, so I think I'm all set for all the events of the weekend. After getting home I worked on that laundry and packing or gathering to pack, and managed to pack away all that Easter stuff I had gathered on the kitchen counter and had Nicole bring me up the bin to put it in last week. So finally Easter is all packed away and in the basement again. I did hear from Christine Spence yesterday, and she reported that Mary Scheiber's surgery went well on Monday, and would be in the St. Cloud Hospital for a few days....also I believe Cheri Salisbury's surgery on her ankle went well yesterday...not sure if they were able to put her out, or if they did a spinal block from the waist down. With her heart and diabetes problems they weren't sure which way they would go. So keep up the prayers for both of them and their families....they seem to be working. Today, I go and get unplugged at noon, and then after that I am going into Pathways for an "Overview of Spring Forest Qigong" which is the form that Chunyi Lin designed, and I follow. I haven't had a chance to have Sheila work on me this month but hopefully this will be a good session, and I will get some benefits from just practicing some of the exercises. After that I guess I will finish packing and getting ready to leave bright and early tomorrow morning. I will pickup Sandi Hitch and then drive to cousin Janets and she will then drive us to the airport and drop us off. She will store my van at her house for the weekend, and then on Sunday she will come back and get us, and after dropping her off in Richfield, I will take Sandi home in Maple Grove and then complete the drive to Coon Rapids. Well that's it for today, Love and Prayers, m

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time in Boston. Who is getting married?

