But I made the most of it....I sewed, crocheted, decorated (I'm half way up the tree with tinsel.
Doug came over bright and early, and dug out my sewing machine and put it in the kitchen. I finished 2 sewing projects and unplugged itt, and wrapped the cords around it ready fr someone to put it back in the closet for me.....then I remembered I had one more job to do wth it, so I got all set, plugged it in and low and behold the electrical part of it stopped and I ended up getting it ready to put away again, and sewed by hand....but did it.
Then I started crocheting again, and got all six done for Jan. The ones i made for her take a lot longer, more than double the time....I don't know why, they also take more yarn. Anyway I'm done with them, and started one the way I make them, but I got tired of crocheting and did some stuff around the house, like emptying the dishwasher and boring stuff.
I talked to Janet on the phone for a while while watching "The Voice" and then went online and voted for Nicholas David the maximum 10 times. Tonight they announced the winner. Not only is Nicholas from Minnesota but he is related to a relative of mine in St. Paul, so that makes it even more exciting.
I then worked on the tree and that will be my job today, after the dentist to hve my teeth cleaned, and wash clothes. And I better get in thee shower before Sandi gets here. Love and Prayers, m
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