Sunday, December 16, 2012

Dreary Day Warmed by Great Friends

8:15 or a little after the phone rang, and it was Cherie announcing the morning brunch was on at Jan's, and they would be at my house to pick me up a little before 10 a.m. at about 10 minutes to 10 a car pulled up in the driveway and I opened the door to let them know I saw them, and put on my coat, and as I had my back turned in walked my son Bill.  He came over to pack up a few more boxes of his albums that have been stored in my basement since he got out of college or maybe even before.  Anyway he took a couple of boxes last Sunday and was back today to get the rest after he had unloaded those boxes.
He spent just a few minutes visiting and Cherie and Barb drove up, so had to cut the visit short, but that didn't stop him from staying and getting most of what he came to get.  The other was a donation to the cabin fund, which we didn't get time to finish discussing.  But we took care of that later in the day after I came back home.
Jan was ready despite the short notice.  The house looked beautiful including the beautiful tree decorated all in red.  At the end of the visit Lloyd took a couple of pictures of us in front of it.  Hopefully we all look as beautiful as the tree did.  Funny last week when we were at lunch with the retiree's I said I was going to have my hair cut and colored on Wednesday, and said I wanted to look beautiful for Christmas, and Sandi Moinicken said "I gave up on that years ago" and we all laughed hysterically.  Now I'm hoping I look as beautiful as a Christmas tree.  How crazy is that?
The morning was filled with such great conversations and story's of how long we've been friends's sad we only have a few chances each year to all get together.  As we live on opposite sides of the cities, it's hard, and now that I can't drive it's even harder, plus family's to plan around and all that kind of stuff.  I thought as our families grew and kids got married it would be easier, but then you have grandkids, and extended families and illnesses and on and on.  I love these women and we need to get together more often.
Sadly having to leave such great friends and coming back home, I called Bill and continued the conversation we started this morning, and I cheerfully donated to the cabin fund, the kids were in need of boosting.  Taxes raising with the new addition and insurance coming due they were in a crunch with all having holiday costs of their own.  I never mind putting money into the cabin, as it's the kids anyway, and when I'm gone they will get it all.  So why not now when I can enjoy giving it to them and enjoy, being there with them.
So Bill came and got me, and we went to Walgreens where I can withdraw money, and then went to Cub's TCF bank where he could deposit it.  Worked slick, and gave me more time to visit with him as well.
After that, I thought I would have time to take a nap, which I did, but for some reason got busy with other things, and did get a short 15 or 20 minute snooze before Carol and Del came to pick me up for church.  Church was again a wonderful evening of seeing people I call family that I hadn't seen in ages, and a few I see almost every time I go.  Got to visit with John and Clarice Koffski after church and got their email and phone number in case I need a ride or some way they could help.  Then off to Baker's Square where Kathie Fritz joined us for dinner.  Another great chance for visiting and good fun conversation took place.
I came home and saw I had a couple of missed calls, one from my daughter, who didn't answer as I returned it, so left her a message and one for my sister who called to let me know she had gotten her Christmas package from me and put it under her tree, I on the other hand had gotten her package today too, but I opened mine immediately.  I'm so bad at that!!  I can never wait to see what she has sent.  I have a couple of times saved it till Christmas just to have something to open by myself, but I got over that fast.  She sent me a gorgeous copper necklace that says: You Are My Sunshine  on it....along with some cute earrings designed by someone named Kathleen....and a compact of rough she bought last summer when we were in Vegas.  I wore the rough to church tonight, but couldn't get the latch to work on the necklace...well my fingers couldn't get it to work.
I had a great visit with her, and so my day was filled with great visits.  Around 10:20, Annie returned my voice message, and said she and Nicole were coming tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. to help me wrap presents, but they had to be out of here for Matthews hockey game at 1 p.m. so it's going to be fast wrapping.
I think I better go to bed so I'm ready for all that wrapping.  Love and Prayers, m

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