Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Sun is Shining Yipppeeee!

I love waking to sunshine.  Yesterday, the sun did finally come out around 4 p.m. in the afternoon, just in time for it to set at a little after 5 p.m.  So it's so nice to see it right away this morning.  The birds are happy too!  Actually lately the birds have been flocking to my feeders.  I even saw a giant flicker at my suet the other day, and it stayed for about 5 minutes eating away.  He must have been really hungry.  I've also had several different kinds of finch, house, gold, purple and one I didn't recognize to name.  I like sitting here and watching the chickadee's vie for a spot and then they fly right away.....back and forth all the time.
Yesterday, I stayed in my pj's almost all day, till it was time to shower and go to the Chris and Dale concert with Bonnie.  I did get a lot accomplished even if I was in my pj's, actually I get a lot done in my pj's. At 5:30 I showered and got ready to be picked up by 6:20.
The concert was wonderful, even though Dale played a very small part of it.  For those who are wondering why: Dale was scheduled for back surgery on Nov. 9, but got the flu before that and had to postpone the surgery, but meanwhile he was so sick he got dehydrated and his kidney's stopped working, and was hospitalized for a week or so.  He is now on the mend for that, and his kidney's are working good.  But now still has to have the back surgery which has him in lots of pain, so sang a few songs, moved to a comfy chair, and came back at the end for a couple more songs.  They didn't even know if he was going to be able to even show up a couple of days before, so they had invited a Dennis? Higgins (a good friend that has sung with them before, and actually mentored over the years.  He is now at Park Avenue Methodist in South Minneapolis and has a beautiful voice.) to fill in the spots that Dale would have usually done.
The music was so peaceful and relaxing, and really got me in the mood for Christmas. They say we may have a few chances for snow this next weekend, so that will put all of us in the mood. For some reason I yawned all the way home, and fell asleep on the couch during Jay Leno, probably about 11 p.m. which is really early for me.
When I woke up at about 2 p.m., my stomach was churning, and hurting, and my stoma pouch was so full with gas that it was hard as a rock....like a big balloon.  I rushed to the bathroom and emptied it, and continued with diarrhea and cramps for another five minutes or so. (I won't go into the details)  When I finally emptied my self, I went to bed, and felt fine the rest of the night.  I don't know if it was the black licorice I had been eating all afternoon, or the fish taco, with sour cream and cheese I had on it.  I am lactose intolerant, but that hasn't bothered me in a long time.  I don't know what it was, but I think, I'll watch the amount of licorice I have today.
Doug came bright and early this morning with my two prescriptions, and took my old vacuum out to the garbage can for me, and a large box of recycling as well.  He always manages to do a few extra jobs for me when he delivers my meds.
This afternoon, Bonnie is picking me up to shop with her, and I have somethings to pick up at Costco too!  I still have to buy the socks and gloves for the women's tag I picked off the tree at church last Saturday.  So I'll get that at Kohls.  Then tonight I have my card club Christmas party at LaVonne Kulseth's home, and I can't wait for that.  Hope I'm not yawning at 9 p.m. this evening.  Lot's to do.....lot's of fun....lots of love....Laugh, Love and Live....my motto!!!
Love and Prayers, m

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