Monday, December 24, 2012

Lazy, Hazy Day!

I don't know where my energy went, but I sure couldn't find any today.  I did get up and thought I would get busy, but the energy left quickly and I found myself back on the couch watching TV.  Then got up and worked on Christmas Cards, then back to the couch, back to cards and ran out of letters, so I was done doing cards.  My printer was giving me problems, so I had to hand address all the cards I had done....about 40, and that takes a lot longer than slapping on labels.  Oh Well, I had nothing but time.
I did put a load of dishes in the dishwasher and got them done.  And I sorted a pile of tinsel that I had tossed on the floor yesterday.  I ended up throwing away anything that was under 4 or 5 inches long.  I have the tree full, and now I think I have enough to last me the rest of my life.  I don't know if anyone wants me to will them my tinsel when I'm gone, but if you are still a real lead tinsel user let me know and I'll let you have it when I'm gone.  That sounds really morbid, but I don't plan on passing anytime soon, so I'll have to have it written somewhere, cause none of my kids want it.  At least I don't think so.  Maybe Kennedy or one of the girls would like it. I really don't know who.
So that was my day. Tomorrow starts all the fun.  I don't know about writing tomorrow night, but I think I should be able to do that.  My day will start with the Children's Service at St. Tim's with Annie, Doug and the kids, and Doug's mom and dad, Matt and Carol.  After church, we all will return to Annie's for Lasagna dinner and then present opening   The kids will have to wait for Santa till morning, but Christmas Eve they open the gifts from mom and dad.  It's always so fun to see Matthew's expressions and comments when he opens his.  I really enjoy the evening, and then they'll take me home around 10 p.m. so I should have plenty of time to write my post.
On Christmas Day, Gene's sister Rhonda will pick me up and take me to Becker to his neice's home.  Bobbi Jo has volunteered to host Christmas this year.  Rhonda won't pick me up till 11:15 so I'll be able to sleep in like usual.
Hope you have a great day too!  Love and Prayers, m

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