Got up and got going this morning, as Jimbo picked me up at 10:30 a.m. and took me shopping. We first headed for Costco, and I got dropped at the door and ran in and got my pictures for my Christmas cards (yes, I'm finally getting my cards done). I was in and out in a couple of minutes to Jimbo's surprise. He was waiting at the door to pick me back up again. From there we went across the street to make a deposit at the bank and off to Cub to buy some groceries. All I needed right now was bread. Other than the five slices of cinnamon bread that Jan brought over yesterday and I only had one piece left, it was the only bread I've had in the house in over a week. For some reason everything I wanted to eat involved bread when you don't have any. I did buy stuff for the cabin, like cranberries for the grand kids to string along with popcorn for the birds. We'll place it on an artificial tree on the deck.
I came out of Cub with $46 of groceries, and the only thing for me to eat was the bread, but I did get a few bottles of coffee creamer, it was on sale and will keep. I used to be a black coffee drinker, but since I got these great flavored creamers, I've been using it every day.
When I got home I did some work on putting together a package to give the neighbor across the street who is so good to me. So when he brought the mail to my door, I handed him the bag. I also started working on my Christmas Cards. I got four of them ready to take along to the party this evening, but the rest of you will have to wait till you get them in the mail.
Patty and Dennis picked me up for the party which was in Minnetonka at Rosie and Bruce's home. Ann and Dick Christiansen and Sandi Hitch were also there. We had a great time and a wonderful dinner and then looked at a slide show from our trip to Boston, as all of us were there together last May. She also showed us some of their pictures from their trip to Quebec with Patty's brother Gary and his wife Carolyn. After that we gave Ann some surprise gag gifts for her birthday which was in November. It was hysterical having her model the bra with tube socks that had tassels at the top of each sock, and also the 60 inch wide underwear and glasses with a nose and mustache attached. The glasses have a long story attached to it, that Rosie, Sandi and I knew about, so we had to explain to Patty and Dennis. The underwear and bra didn't need an explanation. Ann put them all on and let Rosie and Sandi take her picture. A good sport.
We had a lively conversation going on all evening. Dennis Tkach was the main person in a story in this mornings StarTribune about riding the 6:51 NorthStar commuter train. He gets on in Coon Rapids and rides downtown on it. He has a group of about 20 who all sit together and talk and joke with each other all the way down and home again each day. They also have partied at Den and Patty's home earlier this month, inviting them and their spouses or friends to join them. So if you haven't read the article, you might want to check it out. We all were giving him a bad time about being famous now, and Ann even brought her paper for him to autograph for her, and Rosie gave him her copy so he could share it with friends or family. All and all it was a fun night. Now it's time for me to go to bed. Love and Prayers, m
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