Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

What a day!  Wonderful as it was, it also was pretty funny.  Annie and Doug picked me up for church at about 3:40, as the Christmas Pageant started at 4 p.m. with Mass at 5 p.m.....so we thought....or as it has in the past countless years, so we didn't bother to check the bulletin ahead of time.  It actually started at 3 p.m. with Mass at 4 p.m., so we got there just in time for Mass, however we ended up in the back row of the crying room, on the opposite side of the church we came in on. Luckily, Matt and Carole and Matthew had arrived about 10 minutes ahead of us, and saved the whole row for us, and we all had a seat....until a grandma along with her son and daughter-in-law and their son came in and Doug the gentleman he is got up and let the grandma sit.  The good part was that we only had to be there for Mass and not both hours, and we got back to Annie's before the dinner was even done.  At church we saw Joe Sedesky right as we walked in and before we left Rob and Cindy and boys found us, and walked out with us.  It was so nice to be able to great both and and wish them all a Merry Christmas.
When we got to Annie's we had to wait for the lasagna to finish baking, and it drove Matthew crazy, cause he couldn't open his presents until after we ate, and they had been torturing him all day.  He had accidently torn a corner open on one of his gifts, and he hugged it almost all day begging to finish opening it.  When it finally came time to open presents it was the first one he opened and sure enough it was what he thought it was..some lego's to build a town.  During church Father started his sermon talking about what his favorite present was when he was little, and I turned and asked Matthew what his favorite present was, and he thought a minute and said he didn't know, cause he would have to wait till tonight and tomorrow morning to see what his parents and Santa had given him.  I'll have to ask him again tomorrow what it was.  Every time it was the girls turn to open a package, he would say boring clothes again, more clothes, clothes?  he was so funny.  He loved all his Lego and star wars stuff he got, and couldn't understand why the girls liked clothes.
The girls and Matthew gave me a couple of gifts and I gave Carol and Matt a few things, but other than the two things Matthew made at school and daycare for Annie and Doug, they didn't have anything to open.
After the present opening  I had brought over the DVD of Shotgun Red's Christmas Surprise, and I couldn't get it to work at home, so I asked Doug to put it in and see if it worked, it did, so we all went back to the TV room, and watched Grandpa Gene's favorite Christmas show.  It's just a short 30 minute DVD, and Matthew even guessed the surprise before the ending.  I may take it to the cabin and we can watch it again on Friday when all the grandkids are there.
After that Matthew had already put together all his new Lego sets, and he opened his Battle Ship game, and he and Allie played that with Annie helping him to show him how to play...but pretty soon he had figured it out.  Then I got Nicole to play the home version of Words with Friends that they had given me.but by 10:20 or so, I decided that it was time to go home and let the kids get to bed.  Matt and Carol had left about 9:45 or so.  So Doug warmed up the car and took me home.  I finally got around to writing this at midnight, and now the Christmas tree lights have turned off, so I think it's time to call it a night.  Hope you have a great Christmas Day with Family and Friends, Love and Prayers, m

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