Friday, December 21, 2012

Sunny Happy Day!

The date looks like the 21st, but this entry is for the 22nd of December.
It was a quiet day, but I got a lot done because I had no where to go.  I finished putting tinsel on the tree, folded a load of towels that Annie had brought up for me yesterday, I even wrote my Christmas letter I had put off till I got the great results from the scan I had on Wednesday.  Some of you may get duplicates of it,  as the CC list will get a email version of it, and also others that aren't on that list, I may on Christmas Day publish is as my post for that day, as I'll be out late on Christmas Eve. I have been, so surprised in the last couple of weeks at how many people actually read this blog.  Some have been the least I expected to be reading it.  But I guess I have a lot more people who care and pray for me than I know.  Thank you for that.
My friend Jan came over fairly early this morning to get the scarves I made her, and in return she brought me a hamburger and black bean taco mixture so I could make a taco for lunch.  I ended up making a burrito with it, but it tasted great just the same.  She also brought some yummy fudge.  I'm sure it will help to add a few pounds to my bare bones.  It's always a battle between chemo treatments to regain the weight I lose the first couple of days of chemo.  I can't believe how fast I lose it and how hard it is to gain it back.  I seem to be doing pretty well, but even though I worked hard the last round, I think I was 1 or 2 pounds short. So the fight goes on.  Maybe having a few 3 week breaks traveling and eating out will help a lot.  I plan on taking along some protein bars and things like that to snack on when I'm gone.  Taking the diuretic doesn't help either, I have a hard time putting as much liquid in as goes out.
My arthritis in my hips hasn't been helped by this cold weather either.  I'm hoping traveling to warmer climates this winter will help in that matter too!
Okay enough complaining....I'm supposed to be celebrating the good news.  I was wearing my new necklace that Kathleen gave me when I got the news, so I am still wearing it, and don't plan on taking it off any time soon.  Kathleen thinks it was good luck cause she and mom were both with me....I'm sure she is right.
Well, off to print off my Chirstmas letter so I get them in the mail soon.  Love and Prayers, m

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