Monday, December 10, 2012

And More Snow!!

I think Coon Rapids got about 14 inches or more.  It has finally stopped, and the sun is shining, but now it's colder than heck!  Most of the schools in rural areas are either closed or 2 ours late.
I spent most of the evening staring at the beautiful tree.  Advantages of a fake tree, are it comes prelit,...we didn't have to untangle a pile of light strings, that you thought you had carefully placed in a box.  It's shaped well and is the right height ....we didn't have cut anything off....and there are no needles all over the floor where we dragged it in. We didn't  have to go out in the cold and pick it out when the branches were frozen up, so you couldn't tell what it would look like till it thawed out and the branches fell.  And you only pay for it once....not each year.  So happy also that I have a great family that came and put it up and decorated it for me.  I didn't bring out the all the commotion, that is something I will do in the evening, while watching a good Christmas program, or listening to great Christmas music.  Karen thinks Kennedy might be patient or perfectionist enough to learn how to do it.  Unfortunately she won't be here till after Christmas and the tree is decorated, but I think I will try to give her a quick lesson and see how she does.  Someone needs to carry-on the tradition.  If I start now when she is young (12 now) she will be able to do it for her own tree when she eventually gets married.  Okay Kennedy....that's your challenge, I'd love for you to take it on!!
This afternoon I am going to lunch with the retiree's at Applebees, and Bonnie has volunteered to pick me and Mary Brue up.  Mary was going to pick me up, but with Bonnie able to go, Mary doesn't have to go out of her way for me, and it's on the way for Bonnie to pick up both of us.  Mary also hates to drive in the snowy slippery streets.  Bonnie drives a midsize SUV vehicle and doesn't mind driving in this weather at all.  My street has been plowed, and the neighbor came over and plowed out my driveway for the second time.  He did it early yesterday morning, but by the time the kids got here at 11:30, it had snowed another couple of inches, and so they widened it and cleaned it off once more.  Then when Bill left (the last to go) he again found a couple of shovels and three of them cleaned about another 6 or more inches of snow off the driveway.  You wouldn't think it needed it again this morning, but it looked like either it snowed a lot more, or it had blown the driveway full.  It's clean now.
Well it's getting time for me to get in the shower. I hope Doug will come and pick up the stuff they forgot here yesterday when they left, and do a few quick jobs like carrying stuff up from the basement, and putting the leaf back in my table that has been out since card club the beginning of October.
Well Mary just called and she said her street got plowed finally, but her grandson hasn't gotten to her driveway we need to call her before we leave here to see if she can get out or not.  Better get in that shower.  Love and Prayers, m

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