Friday, December 14, 2012

Strange Day

I got up a little earlier than normal for my oversleeping habit this morning. Of course now that I didn't have to write a blog in the morning, I had plenty of time, so I ended up playing "Words With Friends" for over an hour.  Then answered some emails, and all of a sudden it was time to get dressed and get ready to go get unplugged.  Bonnie came at 12:15 that for my 1 p.m. unplug appointment, and I was ready to go.  I asked her if she could stop at Michael's, cause I was out of yarn, and now was short 3 gifts, as I handed them out to all the women at the clinic, and also bags of cookies and candy to the males which there were three. I had to steal out of the bags of some of them I had made, so when I went today I could give to those who missed out on Tuesday, when I was there for chemo.  Anyway Bonnie didn't mind, but said should we pick up some treats to take to Lois's while we watch a movie....dahhhhh! I had forgotten that we were going to visit Lois who had her hip surgery last Friday, and we had planned on going on Sunday, but because of the snowstorm, we decided to wait till today, when she was home and feeling better.  I suggested we pack up some of the treats I had, so that is what we did.
At Michael's, I got carried away like I always do, and came out $38 later. I did get everything that I will use or give as a I don't feel bad about that.  Already made one replacement, two to go....actually I really only have one to go, cause I found out tonight that Gene's sister Hon won't be at the Christmas Day celebration of Gene's family.
At Lois's we watched "Holiday Inn" a forties Movie that I had not seen before, and it was so forties, but fun.  Loved the singing and dancing, even though when they just start dancing with someone they've never seen before and they new every a dancer I know you need a little just doesn't happen.  Oh well that was the "forties".
Got home at 5:30 or so, and had to call my cousin Richard (Aunt Loretta's son) who had called me earlier back at Michael's.  He told me about an news report on the Christian Broadcasting Network.  So he had me go online and after several minutes of trying to find it again, and having me on my computer at the same time we finally found it.  He suggested I watch it, and it is about starving cancer....about 15 minutes long.  So when I got off the phone I realized I hadn't eaten anything other than cookies and candy since peanut butter toast this morning, so I decided to eat dinner and watch the news before watching it, and then when I just started to watch he called back to see what I though of it, and I told him I just started watching it.  So he said when I did to either call or email him, and tell him what I thought about it.  Well I got off the phone with him, and Gene's sister Rhonda called it was now going on 8 o'clock, and we talked till about 9 p.m. and by 9:25 I realized I hadn't taken my 8 p.m. pain med.  My pain med's seems to take 2 hours to really take effect, and I realized how much I really need for the next two hours I laid on the couch going from side to side trying to find a position less painful....but not able to.  I got up and walked, stretched, tried rubbing my feet and legs, and finally by 11:30 I was not in pain, and ready to write this blog.  Haven't watched the news report yet....maybe tomorrow morning....ready for bed now.  Hope you had a good day...most of mine was.  Love and Prayers, m

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